Chapter 20

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When Hinata arrived home he knew something was up because his mom was standing in the hallway with her hands on her hips and a storm on her face.

'Er, hi mom -'

'Where were you?'

'Oh I was just meeting a friend -'

'Which friend?'

Hinata noticed, one of her hands was holding a piece of paper.

'Oikawa?' she pressed, 'Kageyama? Someone from school?'

'Er, yeah someone from school -'

She held up the piece of paper. It was -

Hinata's report card. He gulped.

'Daydreaming in class? Low concentration? Your grades have gone down?! That's it. No more meeting friends during the week -'

Oikawa -

'But mom -!'

'And don't make me ban you from volleyball!'

Hinata opened and closed his mouth silently like a fish. Monday evenings. Any evening. Practising serves. Or even not practising serves. He wouldn't be able to see Oikawa during the week...

'You're not doing well at school,' she went on, 'your grades have got worse, you spend every evening with the volleyball club and on top of that you're still seeing friends? School is for learning. It's for education. So that you can have a better future, Shoyo.'

Hinata tried to defend himself even though deep down he knew she was right. She agreed that if his grades got better she'd reconsider but he had to work really hard.

In his bedroom, Hinata slumped at his desk. He checked his phone. Nothing from Oikawa. A knot twisted in his stomach. Why? Suddenly? Was he reading into things? Or was Oikawa - Hinata swallowed - losing interest in him...? Hinata felt sick. He checked again - he'd sent Oikawa five texts and had called him four times. Nothing back. Was he busy? Had he - Hinata's stomach lurched - met someone else? They weren't official, right? They'd never really defined what they were so Oikawa could easily get with anyone, have anyone, and it wasn't really breaking any sort of arrangement they had -

Hinata banged his head against the desk.


It hurt. But he needed to feel the pain. Images suddenly came to him - Oikawa kissing a girl, those hands groping her full body, a hand peeling off her bra strap -

The pain was like a murderous jealous dagger in his heart. Hinata threw his phone onto his bed. But then he picked it up and tried calling Oikawa again. It went to voicemail.

'Hey T-Toru,' Hinata said, 'it's me. I've been, er, wondering how you're doing and if you feel any better. And I'm - thinking about you a lot. So I - hope to hear from you soon. I miss you and I want to see you. Take care.'

Hinata hung up. Was he being a fool? Did he just leave a voicemail while Oikawa was making out with someone else? Hinata half-hissed half-growled from the back of his throat, scowling at himself. And now, of all times, his mom had banned him from seeing anyone during the week.

When Hinata lay in bed that night his mind went on autopilot and played the same movie it did every night -

Oikawa whimpering, cumming from Hinata's hand - the velvety soft hardness of Oikawa's dick - the setter's hypnotic eyes - the dip of Oikawa's nose - the feeling of soft, tantalising kisses along Hinata's neck - Oikawa's kisses on his mouth - so strong, so passionate and yet so soft and tender at the same time - his teeth biting down on Hinata's flesh - the back of a bandaged wrist pressing down hard on Hinata's thigh - beautiful silky hair - that intoxicating smell and the feel of that body, the warmth, and that voice uttering delicious things in Hinata's ear - Oikawa kissing a beautiful woman -

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