Chapter 28

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'I'm sorry Natsu. But next time - I'll go to your next performance - I promise!'

'You said you were looking forward to the show! You said! You said you couldn't wait to see me play! You said you'd go!'

Before Hinata could get another word in Natsu had stormed upstairs and slammed the door. Hinata glanced at his mother who was drying a plate, watching him with judgmental eyes.

'I know volleyball means a lot to you... but don't you think there are some things in life more important than volleyball?'

Hinata winced from his mother's words. Of course he felt guilty. Of course he did. He knew he'd said he'd go to Natsu's saxophone competition; they'd talked about it for ages, she had spent at least two hours on a Saturday playing and he'd heard her getting better and better as the weeks went by.


A weekend with Oikawa.

A whole two days alone with Oikawa... His heart and dick pulsed just from the thought... They hadn't had solid time together like that since the earthquake...

And it was for Oikawa's birthday...

'If you're going to the summer camp for a whole week can you not miss even a day to support your sister? You know how much she was looking forward to us both going.'

'I don't want to miss the coach on the way there,' Hinata replied.

'I can pay for your train ticket. You can travel up later that night.'

'I'm not sure where the school is and - we have set practice matches I need to be there for. And anyway - it's her first one. I'm sure she'll have loads more performances after this one that I can go to.'

Hinata's mother sighed. 'Suit yourself. Anything goes if it's for volleyball, right?'

With a guilty conscience, Hinata crept up the stairs and knocked on Natsu's door.


'Natsu I'll go to your next one - I promise -'


Hinata tried to get started on his homework.

But his mind kept going back to one thing and one thing only -

Oikawa's tongue dragging against his dick.

Uhn -

He was at his desk, in his bedroom but could feel the blood rush down, feel the excitement rising... his breathing hitched up in his throat as if Oikawa was in the room with him.

Hinata glanced at his bedroom door.

There was no lock.

He stumbled away from his desk and dashed to the bathroom opposite his room and locked the door. He lent on the back of the door and closed his eyes.

He could feel Oikawa's warm lips against his neck, that voice trickling into his ear, a hand stroking just below his belly -

Hinata's hand was in his underwear before he even realised what he was doing. He panted for air and his heart pounded as he began to touch himself -

Oikawa's sumptuous scent. Those arrogant, knowing eyes. But that mouth -

A soft moist tongue licking his nipple while Oikawa's perfect hand pulled at him -

Hinata bit his lip to stop himself from making a noise and maneouvred himself closer to the sink, using a free hand to pull down at the restricting material -

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