Chapter 25

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On Tuesday evening, while blood was being shed at Seijoh, another battle was about to commence at Karasuno. Daichi and Suga stood by the doors of the gym with Hinata after practice. Everyone else had gone home.

Their concerned faces, their worried eyes did nothing to stifle the annoyance brewing in Hinata.

'Look, Hinata,' Daichi sighed.

Here they were again. Daichi was starting to feel like an old man.

'I know you maybe haven't thought about it much...' Daichi glanced at Suga who gave a reassuring nod, 'and we too don't want to misinterpret things but Oikawa at Karasuno yesterday -' Daichi saw Hinata's face darken, 'We understand that he feels like he owes you. And people are bound to bond together over the same traumatic experience. But we... Look. Oikawa is in his third year. He won't be here next year. This year is crucial for him to be studying and making the most of his time to prepare for his future -'

'We're not saying don't be friends with him,' Suga interjected.

'Right. We just think you should be mindful with the amount he may want to see you -'

'So that he doesn't become dependent on you because of the earthquake -'

'Maybe the trauma of it affected him more than it affected you - we don't know. Maybe he feels reliant on you. Or maybe -' Daichi abruptly stopped and looked at Suga.

Suga raised his eyesbrows like an expectant wife expecting her husband to do the work. Suga would not be saving Daichi this time round.

'Maybe -' Daichi repeated. 'We know this may sound crazy. And it may sound absurd. But you have to consider this -'

He hesitated and looked to Suga.

'Go on,' Suga said. 'He needs to know.'

Daichi took a deep breath and looked to Hinata. When he had signed up to be captain of the Karasuno volleyball club, he had not signed up for this -

'We know that you feel safe when you're with Oikawa -'

'Safer than with anyone else,' Hinata glared.

'Right. And that you're not uncomfortable around him and we wouldn't want to change that. Even so. You should be aware. Oikawa -'

Shit. Maybe if Daichi said it fast, all in one go, it would be easier -

'Oikawa may have developed feelings for you who knows and you shouldn't lead him on.'

Daichi watched Hinata's expression morph: The small crow pursed his lips, his eyes glittered, his body shook, trying to control his expression but then -

A burst of laughter filled every crevice of the gym like loud joyous song.

Daichi and Suga stared, stunned, as Hinata had to clutch his lungs -

'I'm sorry,' Hinata cried, wiping a tear before dissolving into a fit of giggles once again.

'Hinata,' Suga stepped in. 'We're being serious. Oikawa may be reading into things -'

Daichi and Suga could not understand why this made the spiker howl.

'His intentions for seeing you may be different than your intentions,' Suga continued. 'When you like someone, you see what you want to see. No one would go all the way to a rival school just to walk someone home if there weren't feelings behind it. And those feelings may be mild now but you have to make sure they don't progress. You don't want Oikawa to fall for you -'

Suga and Daichi were at a loss to Hinata's reaction. Hinata was choking with laughter, spluttering apologies, wiping his eyes.

'Please, please, once you've calmed down. Please consider what we're saying,' Daichi begged. 'I know you think this is crazy because he's known for being a playboy with the ladies but trauma does things to a person and you need to be aware that Oikawa may have formed an attachment to you -'

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