Chapter 21

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Hinata stared up at his ceiling. Downstairs in the kitchen, the clattering of pots on a Saturday morning. Natsu's high-pitched voice.

Hinata hugged himself across his chest. How was it possible? It felt like his heart was a universe. There had been a big bang, an explosion, and then suddenly everything had come into being. It was crazy. It was strange. In this universe, there were stars and planets, moons and suns - some big, bright, fiery, demanding and others cool, calm, quiet and in the background. But how? How to deal with this universe if he was god?

These planets didn't align, some of them shouldn't even be here, some didn't make sense... others seemed to contradict, or be two of the same thing... And it wasn't like this universe had happened over night. Oh no. If Hinata had to pinpoint a time he would link it back to the earthquake... That was when this firing of new feelings had begun, starting with Oikawa... The only difference was that now he had zoomed out enough, enough had happened, to make Hinata realise that his emotions were as unformed, vast and complicated as a newly birthed universe.

Hinata closed his eyes. And went back to last night.

He had gone to Kageyama's.

By some pleading, and some negotiation he had been able to be allowed to go to the setter's after school on a Friday night in exchange for a full day of study on Sunday. His mom was more than happy with the bargain.

For the most part, it was pretty much the same as last time: after practice, they'd gone back to Kageyama's house and his mom had made them an amazing dinner. Kageyama seemed a lot more talkative this time and at one point his dad even came downstairs with a walking stick and a bandaged leg. Hinata spoke to him briefly as they discussed the suddenness of the earthquake before both of Kageyama's parents went upstairs to bed.

'Hey do you want some cola or some snacks?' Kageyama asked, while they were both in the kitchen.

'Cola would be nice but I think I'm too full for snacks -'



Hinata watched as Kageyama made him a drink. It was a simple act, sure, and Hinata wasn't sure why but he felt moved by it. Kageyama just didn't seem the type to do this kind of thing for anyone.



'D-do you wanna watch a movie or a series? Or play games?'

Kageyama seemed... excited, for some reason, and nervous.

'We can play something?' Hinata suggested.

'My Nintendo Switch is connected to the TV. I have Super Smash Bros Ultimate -'

'Yeah sure.'

Hinata followed Kageyama into the dark living room. Kageyama left the light off as he switched the TV on and grabbed the Switch from the couch. A talk show was on mute, the hosts standing in front of a white screen and the light from the TV was sufficient to brighten some of the room. Hinata put his drink down on the floor by the side of the sofa.


'Yeah?' he responded, switching the Switch on, not looking up.

'Are you OK?'

Kageyama stopped what he was doing. But he didn't raise his gaze. The flicker of the TV screen shone on his silky blue-black hair.

'You seem...' Hinata cast his mind around for the right word. 'I don't know. Different, today. In a good way. You seem more lively and just... happy, I guess.'

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