Chapter 18 - Spider

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[The above pic is by my reader Reve, who allowed me to post their pic on this chapter. It's in reference to the bit at the end. Pls go show them lots of support on Twitter @_zemichnen]

Hinata approached Kageyama under the shelter. Hinata could tell, Kageyama seemed to be fighting off some kind of facial expression, a strange triumphant glint in his eyes.

'So,' Kageyama said.


'It's over.'

Hinata stared at the setter.

'They know now and I take it they weren't happy with the setup either.'

Hinata frowned. 'What are you talking about?'

'What do you think I'm talking about moron I'm talking about Daichi and the others finding out that Oikawa has been teaching you how to serve. That's what that talk was about, right? After you blew your cover shouting at Iwaizumi. They told you to stop seeing Oikawa?'

Hinata stared up at Kageyama, defiance in his eyes.

'No,' the spiker said. 'They approved.'

Kageyama's mouth fell open. 'They WHAT?'

'They listened to me and they heard about what Oikawa-san did for me during the earthquake. And they're fine with it.'

Kageyama felt like his insides were being pulled apart and pushed down. Molten rage rose within him ready to erupt -

'And what about that mark on your chest?' Kageyama snarled. 'Do they know about that too?'

The defiance was snuffed out of Hinata's eyes as pink stained his cheeks instead. 'You - you wouldn't!'

'Oh I would.'

'If you tell them Kageyama I'll never forgive you!'

'Then stop seeing him!'

'Why are you always going on about this - I don't understand why it's such a big deal -'

'You don't understand. Really? You said we're friends, right? And we're teammates. So how do you think I feel when I know that a friend of mine is hanging out with my enemy?'

Hinata swallowed. He'd never really... thought about it like that...

'An enemy who was mean to me throughout all of middle school,' Kageyama continued, his voice getting louder, 'who hates me until this day, who refused to teach me how to serve but teaches you, who I have feared for years -- and you think it's no big deal!?' Kageyama was shaking. 'And you just keep seeing him, keep sticking up for him - how the fuck do you think that makes me feel?'

Hinata inhaled through his nose, speechless. So I've been... hurting Kageyama...

'And I knew, I knew there was something else going on and that mark on your chest proves it - he's taking advantage of you -!'

'No he's not Kageyama!' Hinata finally responded. 'It's not like you think!'

'Can't you even hear yourself dumbass?! He's manipulating you! He's got you under his thumb! You can't even see the wood from the trees anymore you're under some kind of Oikawa spell - he's brainwashed you - that's what he does, that's how he works, you can't see it because you're a victim, but I can, and I can't just stand by and let this happen to you!'

'Why do you never listen to me, huh? Why don't you believe me when I tell you what something is or isn't? I know you hate Oikawa-san but he saved me during the earthquake and I saved him and I can't change that. Suga said I should make things clear for you - I could've died, Kageyama, if Oikawa hadn't looked after me. Ceiling could've fallen on me and hit my head, my hands could be recovering from broken glass right now - I was alone in Sendai - there was a blackout, I was in shock - Oikawa bandaged me and looked after me when I was stuck away from home. I know you hate him... but I can't. We just don't have the same experiences of him. So you need to stop telling me what to do, stop trying to control me because it's my life and it's my choice, and I also didn't like what you did back there when you were trying to use me to provoke him -'

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