Chapter 1 :Sparks

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Monday wasn't exactly my favorite day in the week.

The fact that I left my water bottle at home wasn't helping.

The fact that I was hopefully trying the water fountain in the hallway at school over and over again but to no avail wasn't helping.

The fact that I had chemistry first period and was two minutes late for the class made it worse.

The fact that the chemistry teacher was awfully strict made me cringe.Thinking about all that made my head hurt.

"Ugh! This thing shouldn't be fucking up now!" I muttered giving the fountain one last desperate try.

My chemistry teacher wasn't the friendliest of teachers.He was the type of teacher who considered lateness to his class a serial crime.
With his attitude,ditching was not even an option .Trust me, the man was eagle eyed.

All this hell started last month when my class flunked an impromptu chemistry quiz he organized to earn himself a payment bonus.

He's been grouchy ever then since we were the class who broke his perfect score streak.In our defense we weren't ready for an impromptu test.

"Hey," A deep warm masculine voice called giving me a jolt.

My right arm in reflex action lunged a punch to the source of the foreign voice sending the owner writhing in pain ,pure anguish written on his face.

I was visibly surprised to see that my attacker wasn't a vicious killing maniac but a gorgeous killing maniac.I swallowed nervously scanning the boy clutching his tummy in discomfort.

As if by magic, the water fountain sprung to life getting us both wet.

Wonderful,just fucking wonderful!

"I'm so sorry. I thought that you were a perverted  stray or a rapist or something like that,no offense." I apologized profusely correcting my earlier made rant.

I made a fist in the process and clutched it with my other hand just below my chin giving him my best
"I'm sorry, I hope you're not going to sue me." look.This drew a chuckle from his demure lips bringing me back to my senses.

I quickly turned to the raging fountain before struggling to calm it down.
I gave him a handful of paper tissues and the tips of his fingers grazed against my palm as he reached out to take it sending these cute little waves of electricity throughout my body.

I quickly withdrew my hand not wanting the situation to seem more awkward.

The tissues got mushed up quickly and I handed him my hankie.I could clearly trace the outlines of his body as his white shirt clung firmly to his skin.I drifted my gaze to his face which was hidden by my hankie he was using to dry himself.

He rubbed his chocolate brownness of hair dry and looked up at me holding my gaze in the process.

He wasn't from around here,that I was sure of ,because from his looks my school's female population ought to have made him popular by now.

I found myself lost in a pair of startling sea blue eyes after my hankie was moved away from his face.

His masculine features were now prominent since he went pale as a result of my killer punch.Then I felt something, I realised that the boy standing right in front of me was hot.

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