Chapter 30 : Turn it up

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Hope u ready.

Cee you in 15

My eyes skimmed through the message before I clicked open the chat box reacting with a thumbs up emoji.

Placing the phone back on my dresser,I briefly applied eyeshadow to outline my eyes and dabbed on some clear lip gloss.
Taking a cursory glance at my reflection in the mirror,I smoothened out my outfit a deep blue dress with thin straps which divided in the middle to hug my bust and  it's flare ended shortly above my knees.I topped it off with my signature black leather jacket and pushed my hair behind my shoulders.

I placed my phone in my Gucci purse and picked it up along with my shoes and scarf I had wrapped up for Mabel.

Gently descending the stairs,I met Dad in the living room catching up with the business bulletin.He was just back from work as I suspected.His crisp white shirt was halfway unbuttoned and his black socks was still on his feet ,his black highly polished shoes lay by his side.

I freed my arms from the load and walked up to him, hugging him and placing a kiss on his cheeks.

"Hi,Daddy."I smiled.

"Hey Princess,you look good, where are you going to?"He asked raising a brow.

"A friend from one of my classes is turning eighteen today,just wanted to go over and give her my best wishes."I explained sitting back on the couch and slipping my black heels on.

"I can drive you if you're okay with that."Dad motioned picking up his car keys.

"I'm okay Dad,my friend is picking me up."I explained watching his face contort into something similar to that of surprise.

"And your friend is female I presume?"He asked scrunching his face in distaste.

My phone chimed with a new message and my eyes flickered to life seeing the message.

"Oh, he's here Dad."I literally screamed jumping off the couch and placing a kiss on his forehead.

"And he's a boy,just what I wanted."Dad said bitterly under his breath, sarcasm evident in his tone.

"Stay away from those young rascals okay? Don't forget to give them a good kick where the sun don't shine when they glance at you and . . . "

"No alcohol,drugs or sex.And yes Daddy, I'll call you if I'm running late."I ended picking my belongings from the couch and pulling the front door open,a satisfied grin plastered on Dad's clean shaven face

The cold winter breeze hit me causing a little shiver ran down my body as my eyes traced the source of foreign light a few metres away.

Jay stood right before my eyes leaning against his black jeep,arms folded against his chest and his eye trained on my face, patiently waiting for me.

He never looked away until I got close to talking distance and he  tactfully tried averting his gaze.His eyes somehow always found my mine and notices the subtle way he was discreetly checking me out.
From the way his eyes raked over my body and stopped midway at my chest level and slowly trailed the lines down the skirt of my dress to it's hem.
He stood decked in black jeans and a white body hugging white shirt which he topped off with a faded denim jacket.Even his simplest of outfits made me go crazy.

"Hey,"I smiled.

"Hi Belle, looking pretty as always."He said in a deep husky voice making my insides flutter.

"Looking dashing as alway."I bit back and he chuckled, mistaking my complement for a regular tease.

"It's the usual."He shrugged pulling himself away from the car and standing his full height.

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