Chapter 43 : Amendments

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Camilla's Point Of View

I woke up to blinding sunlight seeping through the room from the gaps in the curtains and slowly blinked my eyes to get accustomed to the light intensity.I felt my head throb and hurriedly passed my hands over my body.Good,I was still fully clothed.

I lay back weakly, yesterday was all a nightmare wasn't it?

No,it wasn't.Looking around me I clearly wasn't in my room and had almost unnoticeable bruises over my skin.This was no dream.I looked around to ascertain where I was,messy desk with gum wrappers, basketball monuments,oak brown furniture,a camera stand...Yup I was in Jay's room.

With one last feeble attempt,I tried heaving myself up only to realize that I was held back by some invisible force.I whipped my head to the side for the first time and noticed Jay sleeping by my side,his hand wrapped protectively around my waist.He stirred and I tried reclining back on the bed but he'd woken.

He quickly unpeeled his hands from around my waist,the secure feeling I had disappearing instantly.He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and when his gaze finally met mine,it was steely and hard.He quickly drifted it away.

I tried to mumble something but it all came out dry.Rising up and walking to the washroom,he returned later, looking refreshed.

"I found you unconscious at Martin's.I brought you over here because I couldn't send you home in that state."He briefed opening his drawer for something.He fished out my purse and tossed it on the bed.I grabbed it and pulled it open.My purse,driver's permit,cash everything was still intact.

"Thanks."I managed to mumble as he opened the door and gestured we should leave.

"Martin's been detained by the cops,he was the mastermind behind the graffiti on my car."He added on second thought.He really didn't like Martin, it was obvious from the way his jaw clenched and unclenched when his name was mentioned.

I followed him downstairs to the kitchen.His family was most probably still asleep so we tried making least noise as possible.

"Breakfast?"He volunteered without looking up at me.

He poured some breakfast cereal in a bowl and added some warm milk.Then he pushed it at me,like I was some five year old with a grumpy babysitter.

I slowly picked up a spoon and stirred the bowl of breakfast food lifelessly.I finally spooned a helping in my mouth and reached for a ward of  paper tissues immediately.I spat it out in the tissues and scrunched it up into a ball.Then I rinsed my hands under the tap.The milk had burnt my throat and it hurt to swallow.I had a sore throat most probably caused by yesternight's happenings.

Jay looked up from where he was tying his running shoes and grabbed me a bottle of water instead.I slowly sipped it as we left his house to my car.He walked over to the driver's seat and I followed to the backseat, feeling he wouldn't need my company.There was some unresolved awkward tension between us might I add,I would love to avoid. He started my car and stared at me for a while through peripheral vision.

"I'm not your driver."He finally stated whipping his head back to the dash board.I hid a smile and moved to the passengers seat.He graced me with a glare and we drove off.

The car ride was peaceful, leaving both of us to indulge in our thoughts and piece the missing pieces together.There were a hundred and one things I wanted to explain to him but I didn't know how to come about it.I found it oddly difficult too and the fact that he wasn't sparing me any of his time wasn't helping.

Weirdly enough,we weren't moving towards my home.The car finally rolled to a stop infront of Rachel's apartment.He whipped his iPhone from his pocket and pulled out on his contacts list.He hit Rachel's num, she answered on the second ring.

"Oh, I can see you guys outside.I'll be  out in a few."She spoke over the phone.Her Mum's car wasn't in the driveway I noticed.She'd most probably left for an early morning hospital shift as a health personnel.It was barely six anyway.

The front door finally drew open and Jay and I walked out of my car.I tried to say something to Jay but my throat remained dry and he looked away.

"Cami, I'm soo glad that you're okay."Rachel smiled wrapping me up in a hug.

"And thank you,Jake."She nodded as Jay waved and jogged off, slipping his head phones on.

Rachel led me into her house for a shower and change of clothing.I was slightly thinner than Rachel so her close fit .I sat down on her rug as she combed my hair,and I broke down telling her the whole truth about everything.

"And what hurts most is that Jay's giving me the cold shoulder.I don't know but he thinks I was sleeping around with Martin! I'd never."I complained as she curled my hair with her curler.

"Thanks."I smiled lightly patting my hair as I used the selfie feature in my phone as a mirror.

"It would seem like that to him though Camilla,you offered him no explanation for ghosting him when he wasn't well and he most probably saw the vid of Martin kissing you.Bam! You're suddenly then unconscious in his arch nemesis house?"She narrated.

"I'd think that way too,Camilla."She opined packing the hair accessories away.

"Yeah right,and I thought you'd be on my side after all this."I lamented picking myself off the floor.

"I'm not picking his side Cams, I'm just trying to make you see stuff the way he sees it."Rachel assured attacking her lips with a fresh coat of lip gloss.

"Give yourselves some time.It'll all come back to place."She added and I nodded.

"Aren't you going to be home the whole of today?"I asked amused as to why she was dolling herself up.

"I shouldn't look good at home?"She retorted.

"Jackson's coming over so we'll wrap up with our poetry assignment."She added smoothening her butterfly braids with her palms.

"Oh okay."I smiled at her,she was soo hitting on Jackson.

"See you later.I've got to go deal with my fam.Thanks for covering up for me last night."I said wrapping her in a hug.

"It's no biggie,what are best friends forever for?"She smiled.

"Yeah,best friends forever."I seconded as she hugged me back.We soon broke apart and I walked out of the door to my car, feeling relieved that things were at least falling gradually back to place.

Some time later,I was back at home and Mum received me at the door.

"Oh, Camilla!"Mum lamented wrapping me in a hug.

"Why did you stay out soo late last night.You had your Dad and I soo worried."She coed holding my face in her palms.

"I'm sorry Mum,the chemistry assignment was soo overwhelming and I just slept it off at Rachel's."I lied as she nodded her head and stared back fondly at me.

"Atleast you're home now,"She said.

"You phone us the next time you're staying over at a friend's place or you'll be grounded for missing curfew.Understood?"She challenged.

"Yes Mum,it won't be repeated.Thanks."I smiled placing a kiss on her forehead and progressing upstairs.

I dropped down on my bed once I walked into my room after plugging  in my phone to get its energy bars reloaded.I gave a contented sigh looking up at the ceiling.It was good to be back home,free from pains in the arse.

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