Chapter 7 :Dating

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I stared blankly at the board and occasionally at my note book.I should have been paying more attention during the lesson but I spent most of my time dwelling on my worries.
I  busied myself twiddling my pencil and staring at the almost blank pages of my note book.I made a mental note to ask Harry for her notes after.

Harry told me Jessica was planning on asking Jay to be her boyfriend this Friday after school.She'd even planned a double date for the two of them inviting Fahd and Harry.
This couldn't be happening especially since I'd just sunk in I had feelings for a boy and he was been whisked away by another girl the next instant.
Na uh,this wasn't good at all.
If only I could get a date by Friday I could tag along like Harry suggested.You never know,maybe her declaration of love could be sabotaged with me there.

I slammed shut the empty note book and stashed my books in my bag as soon as the bell rang for recess.

I started making a mental list of boys I could possibly ask out during lunch.After considering the pros and cons of asking each one of the out,I settled on Chad.After all,He was one of my close guy friends.

I freshened up in the washroom before Chad came to pick me up on Friday.We arrived at McDonalds in about fifteen minutes.Harry waved to me as soon as we got there.We sat with them and we commenced chatting.
Jay was there already.Urgh! with that Jessica.She was looking flawless as usual in her yellow tiered skirt and white long sleeved cardigan .The place was fillede to the brim with students from other schools and our school.
The lunch almost went by uneventful until  when she had the bright idea to bring  her confession up.

"I've got something to say."Jessica announced.This was almost expected.

"I like you Jake.Will you be my boyfriend?"

I tried to main a neutral expression as my gaze interlocked with Jay's.
Why was she so blunt?I nearly choked on my half eaten burger.
Letting out a cough to ease the congestion in my throat, I felt very sick.

"Are you okay?" Jay and Chad said almost at the same time.

"Thanks." I mumbled taking the tissue Chad held out.

"You know Camilla and burgers.She was just rushing the her food that's all."
Harry teased trying to make light of the situation.

The atmosphere went back into it's normal aura as Jessica looked at Jay expectantly.

Jay averted his  gaze and looked down.I could sense he was un easy.He wanted to say no.He kept mute for some seconds.
"Umm..."he breathed ruffling his hair.

Chad looked up from his phone and signaled he was leaving.

"Sorry guys I've got to bounce."
He explained.

I followed him out to his car.

"I've got to pick my cousin from the airport.He just arrived ."He briefed drawing me in for a hug.

"I'll make it up to you when I'am free okay ?I'll take you where ever."

"Even Mars?"I teased.

"My treat. "He whispered into my left ear.

I nodded as he finally let me go.I could feel Harry,Jay and Fahd looking at us through the transparent McDonalds glass windows.

"He said yes!"screamed Jessica when I resumed my seat with them.I thought I'd let loose and cry but instead I smiled a nice lovely smile.

"Good luck." I whispered to Jessica.

"Thanks." She beamed.
I could feel myself trembling especially my hands as I took my milk shake for a sip.

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