Chapter 12 : Main Lady

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It was yet another Monday and I was having a bad day,not because it was a regular boring Monday but because two little pieces of shit spewed garbage.
I am sure those two girls spent half of their weekend rehearsing their speeches.
It all started when I went to the bathroom to freshen up.I rinsed my face with some water and was towelling it dry when Jessica and her minion walked in.
They took out their makeup kits and commenced applying it as I gave my lips a dab of strawberry flavored lip gloss.
"Is this okay?" Jessica asked no one in particular as I turned to look at her.
"Let me get this evened." Eva said smoothing her foundation with her make up stick.Jessica spent some time puckering her lips in the mirror and after many satisfactory glances at herself turned to look at me like I was some large pimple which had suddenly appeared on her face.
"I never knew you were such a bitch Camilla." She finally said staring at me icily.
I looked at her in confusion trying to absorb the shock from her words.
"Don't wear that dumb look on your face.You know what exactly she's talking about." Eva added.

A huh was all that I could literally come up with as I stared at her.

"You had the nerve to even kiss him with the pretence that it was an exercise!How could you do such sly stuff Camilla?"She howled.
Oh,so it was Jay she was referring to.
" Let me get this straight with you Jessica.Your boyfriend kissed me , not the other way round and I'm not trying to snatch him.I swear..."
"Enough of this I don't like him bullshit ! All those times you've pretended to be happy for us you bloody bitch.From the time I told you I liked him to the time we started dating you've liked him and wanted my downfall.He's got a girlfriend yet you can't seem to get that huh?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
I clenched my fist in anger.
Yes,the part that I'd been pretending to be happy was true but I wasn't a bitch and I wasn't trying to snatch her goddamn boyfriend away from her.I was trying my best battling my emotions and this was what I was I was to get?
"He's taken yet you can't seem to get that huh?Always trying to get him in compromising positions by your locker.You think I didn't see what happened last week before you made him fight with his friend.Can't you see Chad is head over heels for you?Isn't he enough?Why do you have to go after my boyfriend?"
She screamed.
Eva visibly cringed with the mentioning of Chad.
The thought of Jessica's rants slowly run in my mind like a ferris wheel as I tried to patch pieces together.

Chad liked me?

"Jessica I..."

"Shut up you bloody liar!" Eva spewed with naked contempt as her eyes skimmed me over with malice.I suddenly had the hint that she instigated all this.
"No wonder he's been repelling all romantic gestures and cutting all your dates short."She continued.

" Because of this.She was messing up his mind."She added with a slight gesture of her hands making it obvious that I was the one she was referring to.
I felt the dire need to beat them up but I didn't because it wasn't ladylike and also , shit stained.

"Jealousy is a disease,get well soon bitch." I said ever so calmly.
This only seemed to infuriate Jessica more since she burst into more lines of nonsense.
"This is my final warning, get your filthy little hands of my boyfriend .He's my property .Get that."
"Suck up your insecurity and deal with it Jessica.Talk to your boyfriend .Not me.I never asked him to kiss me." I defended.
"Just stay away from him if you know what's right." She warned with a smile going back to her little miss sweet self.
She then ended her melodrama by slamming the door right in my face as she left the washroom.

I sank to the floor as tears stung my eyes like bee venom.I gently sobbed as I let negative toxins take control over me.
I couldn't help but let the tears flow freely.
Then a realised that I had a frenemy who wasn't playing fair
_she had an accomplice.
After sometime I gently wiped my face and repaired my makeup.I still looked gloomy but I flashed a smile,my best makeup.I walked out of the washroom head high bitches weren't worth dwelling on.

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