Chapter 20 : A Confession?

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"Hey Dad," I greeted when I spotted Dad waiting to pick me up after we returned from the trip .He stood by his open car trunk waiting for me to dump my stuff in.
I engulfed him in a hug as he hugged me back tighter.

"How's my little girl?"Dad asked drawing back to take a better look at me.

" You've lost weight. "He commented once his eyes had done a quick fatherly scan over me.

" I'm fine,it's just because you haven't seen me for some days."I assured walking to the passenger's side and flinging the door open.

"Where are your friends?" He asked.

"Oh,Harry's sister picked them both up already." I answered.

Dad nodded pulling the car onto the road.

When we got home,there was a big feast waiting for me at the table.Mum had gone out to prepare a special welcome lunch for me,like I was only gone for three days.

"Told you I was the favorite." I mouthed to Benji pulling out a chair for myself. He rolled his eyes in response and I smiled sweetly at him.

When we were done with lunch,I went upstairs to finish up with my Biology report and catch some sleep.

I literally woke up like the next day, a Monday and got ready for school.
There was an air of excitement hanging around the school when I got there.
The annual Spring Formal was coming up in a few days causing the entire student body to go into a complete state of hysterics.There were flyers and posters in every corner of the school .From the hallways to the bathroom walls.Oh,the lockers did also get some plastering.
It all welled up some excitement in me since I wondered who would ask me out or I'd ask out.

"Hey girl," Rachel greeted swinging an arm around me.

"Hey." I replied as she moved to stand in front of me.

"How was your weekend?" She asked swinging open her locker.

"Not bad I guess,just a little nap here and there and finishing of my Biology report.Yours?" I explained as a look of horror crossed over her facial features.

"OMG!I forgot to clip in my last page,see you later." She said slamming her locker shut and rushing of in the direction of the library.

I smiled looking at her retreating figure.Sometimes Rachel was something else.
She bumped into Harry on the staircase and after mumbling something to a smiling Harry,she continued her rush to the library.

Harry finally arrived at my locker offering me a beaming smile.Something was up.

"What's got you riled up Buttercup?I asked looking up at her with a raised eyebrow.Her smile was very infectious.

" Guess why Fahd was stressing me out recently? "She spewed.

" Um...,He was going to get you an original poster of Naruto?"I tried.

"I wish,think a bit further.You know,like something around you." She stressed gesturing to a flyer on the locker opposite mine.

"Oh my God,he asked you to the spring formal!" I screamed hugging her as we did little jumps in the air.

"That's so cute." I coed gently letting go of her.

"Um Hm." She nodded.

"So what was the deal with Rachel?" She asked looking at the staircase.

"She went to finish up her Biology report." I explained as Harry gave a smile.

"Oh Rachel," She said fondly as we both moved on to our respective classes.

"Guess who I ran into in the library?"Rachel asked dropping her lunch tray on the table.

" The librarian? "Harry laughed mockingly.

" Don't be silly."Rachel scoffed.

"It's a boy,with dark skin and a handsome face." She added.

"James Ofori?From our Literature class?"

"Yup and he asked me to the school dance." She smiled.

"Aww," we chorused satisfactorily.

"You like him?" Harry asked.

"No,but I think he's cute." Rachel assured as we munched on our lunch.

"Hey," Rachel called out to me.
I looked up at her to talk.

"Ask Greene out." She prompted.
I looked up at both of them and they nodded enthusiastically.

"But he just got out of a relationship." I reasoned.

"Psh,says the girl he tried to kiss barely an hour after his supposed break up." Harry laughed.

"You can ask him." Rachel pushed.

"Okay." I agreed bringing a smile back to both their faces.

I would ask Jay after his basketball practice.It would provide me enough time to think of the right thing to say.It honestly couldn't be that difficult could it?

Yes,it honestly was that difficult. I started pacing around his locker right from when I arrived there. He ought to have been done with practice by now I thought.

"Hands up." A familiar voice droned as I turned around to meet a ball flying at my face.I caught it just before it hit me earning a smirk from Jay.

"Not bad Parker." He commented punching in his locker combination and pulling it open.

My heart started beating rapidly in my chest as I stared at him picking a piece of gum front the secret stash in his locker. My lips fell dry as I tried to bring out all that I had rehearsed barely an hour ago.

"Jay," I mumbled.

"Yeah."He turned around to fully meet my gaze.

" I was wondering if ...... "My voice trailed of as I tried thinking of what to add.I rolled the ball in my hands in repeated sequence as he earnestly looked at me urging me to bring what I had to say out.

" You could go to the dance with me?"I rattled looking nervously at him.He looked at me obviously on not having heard what I said.

A group of his team mates walked past drowning my question in the amidst their cheers and loud talk.

"Jake,coach wants to speak to you." Eric announced walking away after giving me a wave.

"Camilla, we'll talk later okay?" He assured.

I nodded a sure and he jogged off leaving me staring at his retreating figure.

I looked at the basketball in my hands and sighed. How could I possibly miss that chance.If only I had spoken a bit louder.
I bit my lower lip in thought catching sight of a marker sticking out of his locker.I let out a smile.

I quickly scribbled a note on the ball and placed it gently back in his locker.

I really like you Jake.Will you be my date to the dance?

I sighed and shut his locker closed.With this, there was no chance of chickening out.

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