Chapter 41 : Druggies And Secrets

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My phone chimed with a message and I picked it up eagerly looking at my  iphone screen.My lips turned up in a scowl as I scanned through the message, abandoning the face brush I was holding.I was doing my make up and I hated distractions.

Martin shared his location.

The text read.Talk about bad timing!When I was just about getting ready to go out with Jay,alone.Not actually a date but hey,I looked forward to it.

Martin : Cee U in 20.

Another text popped up on my screen.

"Fuck him!"I cursed picking my purse from my bed and making my way out of the room.

Swiping my phone open,I scanned through Jay's last text to me.

Can't wait to See you at 6! 

Internally cursing myself,I sent a quick reply to him.Catching a glimpse of myself in the guilt mirror as I took my keys from the bowl near the door.

Something popped up at home! Can't meet today.


My mind reeled as I pushed the start button of my Elantra and manouvered the car out of the garage.The location Martin shared seemed  recognizable as I drove through familiar streets and land maps before finally arriving at my destination,a two storied house with an open porch.

Walking up to the front door,I tapped on  it ,my phone on record.
This all had to end now,I just had to make Martin  admit he had in hand in vandalizing Jay's property and it was enough to rat him out to the police without exposing my dealings with him.

I was a bit taken aback when the door flung open revealing Mabel,from school.She stood in a skimpy outfit and heavy make up.Looking dolled up for a normal evening wasn't she? I wondered. 

I looked up at her in surprise,"You live here?"I asked.

"Come on in."She ushered with dark slanted eyes.I eyed her suspiciously and she stared ruefully at me.

I was about asking her if I was at the right address because it was the same house we hosted her  birthday party some months ago,what on earth could Martin want there then.So it took me by utmost surprise when Martin strolled down from the stairs taking me by surprise while I was at it.

"Meet my cousin."She briefed as I whipped my head back and forth in controlled amazement.

"Hey,Sweet."Martin greeted roughly pulling me by the waist and pressing his lips on mine.It took me unawares and I tasted smoke and weed rolling on his tongue.Pushing him back,I delivered a punch at his face.

"Don't you dare ever touch me like that again!"I screamed freezing at the click of a camera.

"What was that for."I asked Charlene whipping my head back in shock.She gently lowered her phone,a victorious smile playing on her bright red coated lips.

"Something to live the moment with."She smirked walking out of the door, holding her phone cautiously in her palms.

"Have a nice little chat."I heard her laughing as the door clicked behind her.Ascertaining the fact that she was in on this,right from the day Jay kissed me at her birthday party.She was behind Martin's outbursts,the texts and the plots.

Looking at Martin's bloody nose I sighed , walking over to the door and pulling it roughly.It refused to budge.The girl had locked me in, for reasons best known to her.

"Speak up Martin,what's all this complicated shit!"I stated looking up at him in frustration.

I pulled my phone from my purse.

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