Chapter 26 : Secrets

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I confess

I loved you more than I let on

but you weren't ready for it

and I wasn't going to pour myself into hands  that couldn't hold me

                                                                        ~of yesteryear

Jay's Point Of View

My mind spiralled out of control feeling her warm soft lips covering  mine.It took a while for me to realise what was happening as my mind ignited with desire.I gently kissed her back on the spur of the moment ,and she left a soft moan against my lips.
Then it hit me,feeling her hot breath inches from my face and catching a whiff of alcohol on her breath I gently pulled away,this was too good to be true.

"What?You didn't like it?"She asked, confusion scattered across pretty features ,her honey brown eyes searched mine earnestly for an answer.

Honestly,I did and I told her so.

"Then why did you pull away?"She asked her voiced laced with something along the lines of displeasure.

"Camilla look, you're not in the right state of mind,can we..." I started as her eyes glistened with tears.

"Look it's not that way,..."I started as she pouted,an act that sent me gazing back at her lips.Heck she should stop doing that.

I painfully tore my gaze from her lips and brushed a stray hair from her face.Her face softened and she let out a sigh.

"Camilla we need to talk."I suggested wanting to know the real reason behind the kiss.

A lot of people kissed other people when they were drunk ,but that didn't mean anything at all  to them _ it's just because they were drunk and the other person was just somebody who was infront of them when they decided that they wanted to kiss somebody.
Was I just the somebody around she kissed just because she wanted to kiss somebody or there was some feeling laced in the way she held my gaze and moaned against my lips wanting to deepen the kiss, like she wanted something more, something meaningful.My thoughts echoed giving me a whole new lot to think about.

"Sure,whatever."She waved stumbling to the nearest couch and dropped down on it.
She patted the space available on the seat and beckoned me to sit beside her.I obliged and she yawned,her face flushed pulling an emotional string in me.

"Fire ahead."She slurred.

"Why did you kiss me?"I asked, hope evident in my voice and my eyes searched hers earnestly for a sign,any sign that might giveaway the fact that she liked me back, that she wanted to give me a chance, she wanted to be with me as badly as I did...

Her face contorted into a bunch of feelings I clearly couldn't decipher.

"I... because,"She started looking straight into my eyes after sometime.

Then she smiled and let out a yawn.

"I want to go to bed, goodnight."She declared, placing a kiss on my cheek, leaving the answer to my much awaited question hanging on her lips.

She rested  her head against my shoulder and her eyes flipped shut.p as she drifted off to sleep leaving a lot on my mind that I could barely handle.

In less than half an our,he was out cold, gently resting her head on my shoulder,her chest rose and fell lightly as I felt the soft smile on her face creep up on my features and send a surge of electricity through me.

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