Chapter 23 : Holiday Affairs

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The holidays were finally here.We had momentarily said bye bye to our books,teachers and the loud school bell.This brought about an opportunity for us all to socialize and have fun apart from school work.After a brutal week of exams and tedious studies,the ties between us and school were broken.
I spent the first week of my holiday Netflixing and stuffing my face with munchies before heading over to babysit Mike.

I had to take him to the mall to get some new felt tips and art supplies since his old ones were exhausted.Oh yes,Jay offered to drive.
There was an art lesson going on where children were taught how to make paper craft and do some finger painting art.
I left Mike in the care of the art instructor and wandered of to do some exploring on my own.
The art section was near a jewellery store and I spent some time admiring the goods on display.
There were these cute flamingo and candy lockets on the display shelf I was so dying for.It took a lot of self control for me to walk past it. I finally settled on getting myself some cute pearl hair slides.I was on a really tight budget this summer and buying expensive jewellery wasn't on my list.

After my little shopping spree,I found my way back to the art exhibition only to find out that Jay was nowhere to be found.
I thanked the instructor and took Mike away to the carpark after grabbing his art supplies.
I put a call through to Jay,he didn't answer.Where on earth was that boy. How could he just wander of like that.I led Mike to one of the park benches and we settled down.I handed him a juice box and tried Jay one last time.
He eventually arrived with a gift bag as I looked at him perplexed.Jessica's birthday was two weeks away and don't tell me that he'd stood Mike and I up to go gift shopping for his ex he probably hadn't got over yet.A certain bitterness filled my heart.Why did he break up with her and raised my hopes if he still liked her.I stared at the gift bag in disdain.

"Sorry," he apologized opening the car door for Mike.I helped Mike in and buckled him up choosing to sit at the back with him.
After getting into the drivers seat and noticing that I wasn't in beside him,Jay looked at me quizzically.
I avoided his eye by typing away on my phone.He placed the gift bag on the passengers seat buckling up his seat belt.
The car rolled smoothly out of the car park as I heard the gravel crunch underneath Jay's car tyres.

Soon, we arrived at their home and Mike set of to work immediately. He lay sprawled on the kitchen floor trying out the felt tips .

"Here you go." I distracted him by handing over a glass of milk.

"Thank you." He replied taking a sip and going back to his art.

"Let me help you to the table." I offered gathering his felts from the floor.
He reluctantly stood up and positioned himself on a chair.

"How do you spell Fahd?" Mike asked looking at me with wide blue eyes.

"F-a-h-d."I spelt peering over his shoulder.He quickly used his fingers to cover up his work guarding it from my eyes.This wasn't a very successful task,
I could see the word happy scribbled on the cute card.

" What's all this about?"I asked laughing.

"It's Fahd birthday this weekend. I want to make him a card." Mike announced peeling his hands of the card and revealing the lettering, Happy Birthday Fahd in an adorable font.

"Oh," I nodded guilt gnawing at me.How could I possibly forget my friend and best friend's boyfriend's party?
I can clearly remember Harry spoke to me about something like that on the phone last week but I guess it just slipped.
I rinsed Mike's glass and took my bag from the kitchen chair.Gosh,I had to go gift shopping.

"Bye Mike,see you later okay?"I patted his hair in goodbye.
He nodded an okay as I found my way out of the kitchen to find Jay.
He sat in the living room sprawled on a couch his eyes glued on his phone.

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