Chapter 11-15

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Chapter 12: Can You Repeat What You Just Said?
Translator:EndlessFantasy Translation Editor:EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Yuning continued questioning Mrs. Xu by pointing out the loophole of the event that supposedly occurred that night.

"How would I know how the both of you did what you did? Anyway, all I know is that it was a good thing I walked in on you and my husband." Mrs. Xu continued playing the victim although she realized that her argument was not logical at all. After all, she was pregnant and this was her trump card. "Jiang Yuning, you destroyed our marriage and you have broken up our happy family. I am not done with you yet. You are such a shameless woman."

After she had spoken, Jiang Yuning did not refute her accusations. She just sighed and said, "Well, since things have already developed to this point, I guess there's no point in hiding it any further. You are right. The relationship between Director Xu and I is indeed not as simple as it seems."

"You—You are indeed a shrewd woman. You are asking to die—" Mrs. Xu yelled as she was extremely agitated.

Jiang Yuning suddenly smiled as she rubbed her lower abdomen. "Actually, since the truth is already out in the open, then I shall not hide anything anymore. Mrs. Xu, you are not the only one who is pregnant. Anyway, I will not be able to be an actress anymore because I am already pregnant so I guess it would be a good idea to just stay by Director Xu's side. After all, he already told me that he was going to divorce you because he is sick of you being so fierce to him all the time. Besides that, he also likes that I am beautiful and so much younger than you are."

Mrs. Xu could not help but widened her eyes in shock when she heard Jiang Yuning's words.

"That is impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? Mrs. Xu, although I feel sorry for you, I am already pregnant with Director Xu's baby, so I have to do what's best for me and my baby. I have to start making plans for my baby. If you do not believe me, you can make a trip to my gynecologist together with me," Jiang Yuning said.

"No, I am absolutely sure that is impossible. It is impossible for Xu to have any sort of sexual intercourse or physical touch with you. I keep tabs of his whereabouts all the time so I know that it is impossible for him to be out fooling around without my knowledge. Stop trying to lie to me!"

Mrs. Xu quickly refuted Jiang Yuning's statement in her emotional state and she did not realize that she had contradicted herself.

"But—I am really pregnant—that night—"

"Don't tell me that you found out you are pregnant when it has only been a week since the incident. Furthermore, even if you are really pregnant, the baby could not be Xu's baby because he was drugged and unconscious that night so he definitely did not do anything with you. Who knows whose baby you are really carrying?"

Jiang Yuning could not help but laugh out loud when Mrs. Xu blurted out the truth in a moment of anger. "Thank you for finally telling us the truth, Mrs. Xu."

When Mrs. Xu saw Jiang Yuning reaching out her hand to adjust the livestream, she suddenly realized that she had blurted out the truth. She pointed her finger at Jiang Yuning and started yelling, "You set me up?"

"Yes, I am not pregnant but I think it is clear to everyone, who was the one who had framed the other."

"Everyone who has eyes and ears should know clearly by now. Mrs. Xu, you are the one who said that you hold a tight rein on Director Xu and that you keep tabs on his whereabouts so it was impossible for him to cheat on you. You are also the one to say that it was impossible for Director Xu to cheat on you that night because he was drugged and therefore, he was totally unconscious. You are the one who said everything, so how did I set you up?" Jiang Yuning picked up her cell phone and waved it in front of Mrs. Xu's face. "Anyone who is watching this livestream can testify on my behalf."

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