Chapter 441 - 445

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Chapter 441: Foreign Artiste Fishing for Money

Everyone in the entertainment industry knew that Jiang Yuning was no longer someone as simple as a popular artiste. Jiang Yuning represented something much more than that right now.

Moreover, it was obvious that the friendship ambassador did not care about how she treated the local artistes at all.

She was a foreign artiste but she did not even hesitate or think twice before creating trouble abroad. What else would she have expected then?

Now, An Shengyan’s fans were even requesting for the officials to get involved in this matter. Did they really think that the officials would just turn their backs on their own local artiste?

The groups of fans were still in denial and they continued expressing their dissatisfaction online.

[Is there something wrong with the officials’ brains? They are actually supporting and backing Jiang Yuning up simply because she created a lawyer consultation platform for the Ginger Candies? Are they really intending to offend and allow the friendship ambassador to suffer this kind of grievances?]

[Jiang Yuning, be a man! Step up and apologize now! I am so frustrated and angry every time I look at all the comments on the Internet.]

[Yanyan is really all I care about right now. I just hope that Jiang Yuning will just stop her nonsense and stop creating trouble for everyone. Jiang Yuning should just come forward and apologize to Yanyan now!]

[Do you really want to destroy the friendship between the two countries just because of Jiang Yuning? Why do I feel as though the officials do not care about this matter at all?]

When the netizens and passers-by saw how An Shengyan’s fans were reacting, they felt as though this group of people had been brainwashed. What could they do to wake them up from their dream?

Well, Jiang Yuning would definitely make sure that they learned their lesson.

Who would have thought that the fans would continue to push this matter and turn this into such a big issue?

Alright then, Jiang Yuning would start off with pointing out how these foreign artistes were dissing the country and the local artistes while frantically making money off the country.

This news was shared by X Society and the young paparazzo used his second social media account to actively share the article all over the Internet.

The article contained information on everything that the foreign artistes had done and how they had insulted China and all its local artistes. Despite constantly criticizing and looking down on the country, these foreign artistes would depend on China to make most of their money and profit.

At this time, many of the people who were fans of foreign artistes came forward because they wanted to clear their idol’s reputation. However, since the evidence was so firm and conclusive, they was absolutely nothing that they could do to whitewash their idol’s reputation at all.

The article quickly became a very hot and popular topic on the forum and was subsequently shared all over the Internet.

Someone started speculating that the timing of the article was too coincidental, as if it was suggesting something greater than this.

[I feel that X Society is trying to tell us something more. The article has appeared at such a good time. I feel as though there is a message behind this article itself.]

[I feel the same way too! Can anyone investigate further into this matter?]

[I also think that that An Shengyan person is hiding something. She seems like one of those foreign artistes who is only visiting our country because it is profit generating for her.]

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