Chapter 306 - 310

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Chapter 306: Why? She Wanted to Humiliate Her?
Jiang Yuning was very gentle and she was fluent in English too. It was impossible for them to refuse to communicate with her.

“Miss Jiang, our company has been unable to achieve good sales levels even though we have put in many years of hard work and have already penetrated the Asian market for a considerable amount of time. How are you able to turn this around for us? Moreover, in our opinion, the price quoted by your company is a little too high. The price quoted by Miss Zhong’s side is within our budget and the degree of cooperation that they have agreed to assist us in is to our satisfaction too.”

Jiang Yuning smiled after listening to his words. After that, she replied, “Mr. Lyle, the choice of your ambassador should not be determined by the price that you have to pay but instead, it should be determined by the value that the artiste can provide you. Sorry, I do not mean to belittle Miss Zhong, but you have to picture the various billboards being hung around the many different amusement parks in the future. Would you prefer an ambassador with a sweet and pleasant image or a singer with a heavy rock metal image endorsing your brand? I have to admit that Miss Zhong is certainly a great singer, but her rock style is obviously not in line with the requirements of your branding at all.”

“I know that your itinerary is very short and packed, and you have to find an ambassador for the Asian region very urgently. However, if you really think that price is really the main concern, then I am sorry to say that it would definitely be very difficult for Fairy Tale to succeed in the Asian market. We can always negotiate and discuss the price, but a suitable ambassador is difficult to come by.”

“I believe that you have a very good understanding about the market, Mr. Lyle, and I believe in your judgment too. Moreover, I believe that you might have some misunderstanding as to the degree of cooperation that my company and I would be willing to provide. As long as we are in a mutually agreeable and happy working relationship, I will definitely participate and cooperate in all the promotional activities and events unconditionally.”

After listening to Jiang Yuning’s words, Mr. Lyle frowned as he looked at Jiang Yuning.

This was because Zhong Hongyu had indeed smeared Jiang Yuning’s image in front of him in order to secure this endorsement for herself.

Furthermore, Zhong Hongyu had done it in a very deliberate manner, as well as prepared a lot of defamatory materials against Jiang Yuning to prove her point.

However, after meeting Jiang Yuning personally, Mr. Lyle felt that she was a very open-minded and frank person. Jiang Yuning had not only talked about Zhong Hongyu’s weakness, but she had also generously admitted the fact that Zhong Hongyu was a famous and good singer.

This Jiang Yuning was completely different from how Zhong Hongyu had portrayed her to be.

“Moreover, I have already shown you my greatest sincerity. As far as you are concerned, Mr. Lyle, who do you think will garner more interest from the ad sponsors?”

Zhong Hongyu was a singer and she definitely could not surpass Jiang Yuning’s appearance and value as an actress.

As a singer, her limitations were far greater in comparison to that of an actress.

“What other talents do you have to convince us that we will be making the right choice?”

Jiang Yuning then imitated the style and voice of several anime characters. “Besides that, I can also save you the cost of having people to do the voiceovers. This will definitely save you a lot of money. If you arrange for a grand signing ceremony for me, I will also prepare a promotional gift for you.”

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