Chapter 541 - 545

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Chapter 541: Grandpa, We Have No Other Intentions
“And yes, Yuning lied to you. She did not only lie to you but she also tried to please you at the expense of handing over all of her assets to you. She knew that there was no need for her to do that at all. However, she only did it because she knew that I would never change my mind once I have decided on something. Yuning knows me very well and she only lied to you and tried to please you because she wanted to ease the tension between us.”

“Moreover, you are not the only person she tried to please. Do you know how much Yuning have done for the Lu family? She also did her best to please the rest of the Lu family. She was so tired when she was busy filming before this and she had already stayed up for a few days but she rushed back to the Lu family mansion as soon as she could, just so that she could give your youngest grandson the acupuncture treatment that he needs.”

“Grandpa, we have no other intentions.”

Grandpa Lu: “…”

At this time, the old man did not know what else to say. He was completely shocked when he looked at Lu Jingzhi.

Even though both the grandfather and grandson had never been very close, they had not alienated one another before.

However, Grandpa Lu finally learnt that it was not that his grandson had no thoughts or complaints over the years.

His mother had died of an illness and his father simply left them when he was young. Over the years, Lu Jingzhi had gritted his teeth and suffered all by himself without expressing his feelings or emotions to his family members at all. Therefore, Grandpa Lu felt that his grandson was simply calm and introverted, and that was the reason why he did not say much at all. However, it was only at this moment that he finally understood that he had never asked his grandson what he wanted.

He had never asked Lu Jingzhi what his thoughts were.

He had never asked Lu Jingzhi about his preference.

As for what Lu Jingzhi said, he should have just asked his grandsons whether any one of them was interested in Jiang Yuning instead of directly arranging for Lu Zongye to be engaged to her without considering anything else.

“Have you…ever blamed Grandpa?” the old man was silent for a while before he asked Lu Jingzhi this question.

“Yes, I felt wronged and I blamed you for it,” Lu Jingzhi replied truthfully.

“So, you and that girl…will never separate?”

Lu Jingzhi shook his head without any hesitation at all. “Perhaps you do not understand what I am feeling right now, but for the thirteen years that I lived without her, I felt as though there had always been a hole in my heart.”

At this time, Jiang Yuning was pacing back and forth anxiously outside the study room because she knew that the old man had thrown something at Lu Jingzhi. This was because she heard the sound of something falling but it was a muffled noise before the item finally fell and rolled on the ground. Therefore, Jiang Yuning was certain that Grandpa Lu had thrown something at Lu Jingzhi’s body.

Why was the old man so violent?

After the grandfather and grandson were done speaking, Lu Jingzhi came out of the study room and immediately took Jiang Yuning’s hand before leading her out of the Lu family mansion.

Everything happened so quickly and Jiang Yuning did not have time to react at all.


Did this mean that their negotiation had failed?

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