Chapter 351 - 355

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Chapter 351: I am Not Afraid of Anyone, I am Invincible
“Are you making up so many excuses just because you want to see me or is it because of someone else?” Jiang Yuning asked as she rolled her yes. “Anyway, since you think that the script is good, then you can bring it over to me for my perusal.”

After that, Vera really sent the drama script all the way to T City while taking the opportunity to visit Xiao Chennan at the same time.

Jiang Yuning felt as though she had seen an online novel with the same title, , before.

As filming progressed, the weather got colder and colder. The production cast and crew of were shivering everyday as they continued filming.

Jiang Yuning was sitting on her chair that was filled with heating pads, looking like a dumpling with two big quilts wrapped around her.

“The ratings for is increasing on a daily basis. Everyone is convinced and they recognize your acting skills now. On the other hand, Second Young Master Lu’s lawyer is handling the case involving Yi Fan. I believe that she would definitely be put behind bars after the sentence is given out. So, you had better focus on filming well for the next two or three months. By the way, it will be the New Year soon. Will Second Young Master Lu be bringing you back to the Lu family mansion?”

In fact, Jiang Yuning and Lu Jingzhi had not discussed this matter at all.

“I guess you have both not made your relationship public yet. Second Young Master Lu must be under a lot of pressure.”

Lu Jingzhi have never spoken to her about all these before.

“Let’s stop talking about me. What about you? I have never heard you talking about your family. How are you going to celebrate the New Year?” Jiang Yuning asked as she looked at Vera. “Are you celebrating it with Brother Nan this year?”

“He will be going home to celebrate the New Year,” Vera replied as she smiled indifferently. “Didn’t I tell you that I am an orphan?”

This matter had been investigated by X Society before but Jiang Yuning had already forgotten all about it.

“Well, then what else can you do? It seems as though you will have to celebrate the New Year with me then.”

The netizens were all calling Jiang Yuning Empress Jiang nowadays.

What was even more important is the fact that the netizens were now asking Jiang Yuning all sorts of questions about the song she had written. They wanted to know who she was writing the song for because the lyrics of the song were really too explicit.

[Empress Jiang, just give it up already. We know that you obviously wrote that song for someone special. Are you hiding a man?]

[An empress can never hide a man in her chambers. That is a felony!]

[I can’t guess what type of man would be Short Jiang’s ideal man. She is really too unpredictable.]

[Sob. Sob. Sob. Am I losing the love of my life already?]

[Does anyone know where Empress Jiang is staying at now? Why is she being so secretive about her place of residence? She is definitely hiding a secret!]

Jiang Yuning remained calm and composed when she saw the questions asked by the netizens. However, she replied: “Can’t I have a secret of my own?”

[Sob. Sob. Is Jiang Yuning really hiding a man?]

[I feel as though I have lost the love of my life.]

[I feel as though I can’t breathe after reading this.]

In fact, it was better for Jiang Yuning this way. This was because Jiang Yuning knew that the media would definitely be asking her a lot of questions. After all, she had written the song, ‘Holding Hearts’ for someone whom she referred to as her ‘sun’ and the lyrics in the song were simply too explicit. There was no way for her to deny that she had someone that she loved.

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