Chapter 51-55

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Chapter 51: Are You Satisfied? Little Descendant

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When the butler realized that there was no point in begging Lu Jingzhi, he quickly turned around and tried to beg Jiang Yuning instead. “Miss Jiang…I beg you to please help me this time. I was wrong. I know that I was wrong, but this is my home and if this place is demolished, then my family and I will have nowhere else to go.”

“Your home? I am sorry, but from the information that I have gathered, this seems to be your mother’s house. Besides, even if you have no place to live, what has it got to do with me?” Jiang Yuning replied faintly. “To be honest, I really enjoy seeing you begging for mercy and I feel very happy to see you in this state.”

“There is no point for you to continue begging anyone else. Just get out of here already! Swindler!”

“He was always acting so arrogantly throughout all these years. He is finally receiving the retribution that he deserves. God is really fair!”

“He has already forcefully occupied his mother’s house for so many years. He is really a scoundrel.”

When the butler saw that he was not going to get any support or help from anyone, he finally gave up and sat down on the ground. Who would have known that this would happen? He would never have imagined that the house that he was living in would be taken away overnight without any hesitation. Now, they were homeless and his family did not have anywhere else to go.

Lu Jingzhi had already said that he would demolish this place down to the ground.

This meant that he could no longer make use of his own mother.

Little did he know that losing the place that he used to call home, and having no place to go would not be the most tragic thing that would happen to him. That was because his children would both be receiving their dismissal notices tomorrow and his wife would also be cut off from receiving any allowance. Therefore, by tomorrow, the butler’s family will be left with nothing and no income at all.

“Secretary Ho, I will leave you in charge of closing up here. Make sure that the old woman is safe.” After watching the show, Lu Jingzhi then left some instructions for his secretary before telling the driver, “Head back to the villa now.”

The driver then drove them both out of the chaotic mess, leaving Secretary Ho behind to handle the situation.

“So, the time that we spent waiting was because you were trying to find the old woman?” Jiang Yuning asked as she looked at the family of four who were all sitting on the ground. “You were right, second brother. Being patient really pays off.”

“So, are you satisfied now? Little descendant…”

Jiang Yuning turned around and kissed Lu Jingzhi on his lips. “I am very satisfied. I feel so thrilled and happy that the butler finally got what he deserved! No one should try and get between the both of us…”

Lu Jingzhi smiled as he placed his arm around Jiang Yuning and pulled her closer to him. “I am happy as long as you are happy.”

When the both of them finally arrived back at the villa, it was already three o’clock in the morning. However, as soon as they entered the house, Jiang Yuning quickly jumped onto Lu Jingzhi.

“Did you not say that you wanted to have a good rest tonight?” Lu Jingzhi asked as he placed his hands on Jiang Yuning’s waist, supporting her weight so that she would be comfortable.

“Maybe we can do it once?” Jiang Yuning asked as she hung onto Lu Jingzhi’s body with her arms around his neck. “I like the feeling of you entering my body.”

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