Chapter 286 - 290

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Chapter 286: I am Afraid that We Will be Beaten to Death
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“How did…you misunderstand me?” Xiao Chennan asked as he stared into Vera’s eyes.

“I had misunderstood that…you were trying to get close to Yuning because you were interested in her,” Vera explained in an awkward manner. “So, please give me some time to get used to this situation.”

“Take all the time that you need. I have time.”

Xiao Chennan was very gentlemanly and it made Vera feel very much at ease. Therefore, Vera felt very relieved and she was finally able to walk by Xiao Chennan’s side without any worries at all.

On the other hand, both Jiang Yuning and Xu Beishen were secretly hiding behind the railing on the second floor to observe the couple that were having their private conversation just downstairs.

“I really could not tell that the film emperor would be so gentlemanly,” Xu Beishen said as she looked at Jiang Yuning. “I think that your agent will definitely fall for him soon.”

“Life is short and we should make the best out of the little time that we have. How can you stop fate if it’s meant to be anyway?” Jiang Yuning answered Xu Beishen in a profound manner. “I wouldn’t want Vera to end up like you…”

“Why are you being so arrogant now? Let me tell you…I will definitely find myself a man who is better than Lu Jingzhi!” Xu Beishen replied immediately.

“Oh, aren’t you an expert in your profession? Why don’t you look for someone from your university? Maybe you can check out some of the senior students.”

“Why should I check out the senior students?” Xu Beishen asked with a puzzled expression on her face.

“Because your future boyfriend might be going for his examination soon. No matter who he is, perhaps we can congratulate him first. Hahaha.”

“Are you asking for a beating?”

Both of them continued bickering as they continued walking towards the restaurant. At this time, some of the other guests were also enjoying the gourmet food and wine in the restaurant.

It had already been a few hours and yet, there were still no movements or announcements from the production team at all. If this was the case, would the official recording of the fifth issue of the variety program only begin tomorrow?

When Jin Mingchen finally walked into the restaurant, he was carrying more than a dozen paper bags in his hand because he had been shopping at all the luxury stores for the past few hours.

Vera and Xiao Chennan were the last to enter the restaurant but they did not come in together, probably to avoid suspicion from the other guest participants.

“What did you talk about with the film emperor?” Jiang Yuning started to pester Vera as soon as Vera sat down right next to her. “You look happily in love right now…and you actually dare to make fun of Second Brother and I all the time?”

“Ahh…I came here to participate in the program too, so why is there such a big difference in my life compared to yours? I want to be loved and pursued by the film emperor too…” Xu Beishen also chimed in to tease Vera.

Vera could not refute their words because she could not stop smiling.

She could not escape her fate.

“Who was the one who told me that she would never date anyone from the entertainment industry?”

“I just want to get to know him and understand him better,” Vera replied in a serious tone. “I can tell that he is serious about me.”

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