Chapter 271 - 275

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Chapter 271: The Person That the Film Emperor is Trying to Get Closer to, is You
Sure enough, everything unfolded just as Jiang Yuning had already expected the next day. News about An Yiqing and Jiang Yuning attending Jin Mingchen’s concert together was all over the internet. Whenever anyone searched for the keyword ‘An Yiqing’, countless photographs of Jiang Yuning and An Yiqing at Jin Mingchen’s concert together would pop up immediately.

Moreover, it was obvious that these were all An Yiqing’s doings because all the articles or photographs would describe both of them having a really closely knitted relationship or refer to them as sisters.

An Yiqing, at this point, was not only arrogant, but was also already very vindictive.

However, after last night’s test, Shen Yichen and Jiang Yuning already knew that An Yiqing was not that simple and she had other hidden intentions and motives behind her actions.

“When Vera comes back, I will call An Yiqing into my office with Vera present,” Shen Yichen promised Jiang Yuning over the phone. “I think that she is really disregarding the fact that you are her senior now.”

“Director Shen, I don’t think that would be necessary at the moment,” Jiang Yuning replied immediately. “I really want to know if she is simply using me to gain some attention or if she has any other bad intentions or motives. If she is only using me to gain some attention, then I can just let this matter go. However, if she has any ill intentions, then I would definitely not let her off so easily.”

“Aren’t you afraid that she will be plotting something against you?”

“I am not afraid. I will eventually know how to deal with the problem when it arises,” Jiang Yuning replied confidently. After all, what else could be worse than what she had experienced over the last five years?

“You said it yourself. Don’t come crying to me when something goes wrong.”

Cry? Jiang Yuning had never cried before, not even when she was being oppressed by Emperor Entertainment or when she was constantly bullied and taken advantage of by Shen Ru. Why would she cry or ask for help this time? Jiang Yuning was confident that she would be able to handle someone like An Yiqing easily.

Later that evening, Vera arrived back in Luo City after attending several meetings in Singapore. After sending some of the potential resources over to Shen Yichen, Vera drove to the Royal Dragon Villa immediately. When she arrived, she placed the stack of resources on the coffee table in the living room.

“This is a reward for you for behaving yourself and not giving me any trouble when I was gone for the past few days.”

Jiang Yuning smiled at Vera sheepishly because she had a guilty conscience. “What is this? Is this a potential endorsement from Singapore?”

“I have already met up and had a discussion with the other party. They would like to consider it for a little longer before making their final decision.”

“It’s okay even if you did not manage to secure the deal, Vera. Why do you look so worried?” Jiang Yuning asked with a puzzled expression on her face. “I know that you really want to be able to secure an international endorsement for me, but I believe that I still have a long way to go before I am finally worthy of an international endorsement. That is why it is alright even if you did not manage to get it for me.”

“There is nothing that you are not worthy of,” Vera countered immediately. “I just want to fight for the best that I can for you.”

Jiang Yuning could not help but smile as soon as she heard Vera’s words. In fact, she was very satisfied and she felt extremely grateful towards Vera.

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