Chapter 281 - 285

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Chapter 281: I Have Someone At Home
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After a short while, Lu Jingzhi changed out of his work clothes and into his casual home clothes before he went downstairs. However, when he saw the empty dinner table, he looked at Jiang Yuning and asked, “Where’s the food?”

Jiang Yuning walked towards Lu Jingzhi and quickly wrapped her arms around Lu Jingzhi’s waist as she buried her face in his chest.

Lu Jingzhi pushed her away gently and asked, “Don’t you want to continue acting anymore?”

Jiang Yuning shook her head before she hugged him again immediately. “No, no more acting.”

This time, Lu Jingzhi did not move away and he hugged her back tightly. “What happened?”

“I feel extremely depressed when I thought about that period of time when you were not officially mine yet,” Jiang Yuning replied as she sighed. She continued leaning against Lu Jingzhi’s chest as she said, “Everything is perfect now. You belong to me and you are all mine.”

Jiang Yuning always had many different ideas and plans but she always changed her mind out of nowhere. Nevertheless, Lu Jingzhi was already used to it.

“So, Mrs. Lu, could you go upstairs and take a bath with me now, then?”

“Hmm…but I want you to carry me.”

Lu Jingzhi could not help but chuckle when he heard Jiang Yuning’s words. “You are always out dealing with all sorts of earth-shattering matters during the day, but even the wind could blow you away when you are home with me?”

“I just love sticking to you and being close to you. Do you have a problem with that?” Jiang Yuning asked as she kissed Lu Jingzhi’s neck. “I will be recording the fifth and final issues of <Desert Island Rescue> tomorrow. I will be gone for almost a week this time. Won’t you miss me at all?”

“I will naturally find out where I will have to go if I miss you.”

Jiang Yuning pouted because she was still unhappy. She continued wrapping her arms around Lu Jingzhi’s neck and hugged him tightly, refusing to let go.

She was only this childish in front of her loved ones.

Later, both of them soaked in the bathtub together and it was only at this time that Jiang Yuning suddenly realized how Lu Jingzhi had been wearing their wedding ring on his finger since other night. Jiang Yuning lifted Lu Jingzhi’s hand before she asked him, “Hasn’t anyone noticed and asked you why you are wearing a ring?”

“How would you like me to answer them?” Lu Jingzhi asked as he placed his hand around Jiang Yuning’s neck.

“I have someone at home.”

“Alright then. If anyone asks about my ring, I will tell them that,” Lu Jingzhi replied and smiled as he looked at the ring on his finger.

At this time, Jiang Yuning finally smiled because she was finally satisfied and contented.

In the middle of the night, the bright neon city lights were flickering and shining brightly, highlighting the hustle and bustle of Luo City.

At this time, the beautiful and luxurious chandelier in the Gao family mansion was still shining brightly.

After taking a shower, Wen Tong thought for a moment and counted the days as she looked at the calendar. Her husband was probably spending the night at Hua Xin’s place today.

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