Chapter 36-40

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Chapter 36: Stop Being Dramatic!
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Yuning was extremely satisfied at Lu Jingzhi’s reply. He was her man and naturally, he would be on her side.

Huo Yuxi showed a shocked expression and her eyes were all watery after getting that sort of response from Lu Jingzhi. She felt as though she was being targeted and bullied.

However, neither Lu Zongye nor his mother dared to say a word to Lu Jingzhi.

The second young master was a cold and straightforward person and everyone in that room knew that he had no time to entertain any nonsense.

Even Fu Yahui who had not seen Lu Jingzhi for so many years was amazed at the way he carried himself. She did not dare to contradict his words either.

This child really resembled a dragon and phoenix. He really carried with him the authority and power of a leader.

“Aren’t you here to discuss the wedding? What are you arguing about?” Lu Jingzhi asked as he took his black coat off and handed it over to his butler. Lu Jingzhi’s eyes swept over Jiang Yuning, hinting to her that she should just leave matters into his hands for the rest of the night. “Or do you all not want the wedding anymore?”

“No, no, nothing is wrong. We were just having a small dispute,” Li Shutong quickly replied. “Don’t you agree, co-mother-in-law?”

Fu Yahui simply nodded her head indifferently.

“If that is the case, then let’s discuss further over dinner,” Lu Jingzhi said as he headed straight to the dining table. He wanted to see for himself if they were brave enough to continue attacking Jiang Yuning while he was there.

Everyone started to calm down and kept their true feelings to themselves because Lu Jingzhi was around.

Jiang Yuning was extremely happy as she watched them walking to the dining table silently, afraid to say anything out of fear of offending Lu Jingzhi.

Lu Zhengbai arrived home from the company shortly after that. Although he was not very satisfied to welcome Huo Yuxi into his family as his daughter-in-law, he knew that she was a perfect match for someone like his son. Therefore, he did not object to their marriage. He only thought that his son would perhaps become a better person after his marriage.

“Yuxi has already gone to the hospital for an examination and we have found out that the baby is about eight weeks old now. I think that we should set the wedding date for Yuxi and Zongye as soon as possible. What do you think?” Li Shutong quickly changed the subject to Huo Yuxi as soon as they arrived at the dining table. Li Shutong had very high hopes for the baby in Huo Yuxi’s belly, as their status in the Lu family would finally be elevated if the baby turned out to be a boy.

“If that’s the case, you can then find someone to take a look and let us know which are the auspicious dates to get married next month,” Fu Yahui said without any objection. Anyway, she was marrying off her stepdaughter and not her own biological daughter. Furthermore, Lu Zongye was the man that her stepdaughter had personally chosen to get involved with.

“Yuning…do you have any suggestions?” Li Shutong suddenly asked Jiang Yuning who was sitting peacefully, and waiting for dinner to be served.

Jiang Yuning was surprised to be called out and she looked up and coldly said, “What has it got to do with me?”

Jiang Yuning no longer felt any compassion or respect for Li Shutong and therefore did not give her any face at all. Jiang Yuning knew that this woman was extremely sly and it would be better if she had set the boundaries clear from the start.

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