Chapter 96-100

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Chapter 96: Serves Her Right!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“You would never win in a lawsuit against me. We have our own legal team in Dongheng Enterprise. It is already very kind of me to offer you some compensation.”

“Is that so?” Jiang Yuning asked as she looked at Fu Yahui. “Did I forget to mention that I intend to engage the Lu family’s lawyers? You should know that the Lu family’s lawyers are usually unbeatable, being the top lawyers in the country. I am confident that with the amount of evidence that I have already gathered, they would be able to win against you in the lawsuit. I believe you know that embezzlement is a huge crime and you would be given a heavy sentence for it if you were to be found guilty. If you would like to try and see if you could win the lawsuit against me, then please be my guest.”

“Even if I am unable to get back everything that belongs to the Jiang family, I would be satisfied to see you suffer for the rest of your life!”

Fu Yahui opened her mouth but she could not say anything. She had met the Lu family lawyers before and she was not confident that she would be able to outwit them in a lawsuit. Furthermore, she had left too many evidences behind when she left in the past and all those evidences could easily convict her of the crime of embezzlement. If this matter went out to the public, it would also drastically affect the reputation of Dongheng Enterprise.

“Let us discuss this matter amicably. Yuning, don’t push me into a dead end,” Fu Yahui replied in a gentler tone.

She was still thinking of ways to get out of this situation.

At this time, Ku Jie who had been watching them silently from the side, suddenly joined in the conversation. He looked at the both of them before saying, “There is no point arguing like this because nothing good would come out of it. Yuning, I agree that your request is indeed too much. No matter what has happened in the past, we are still family after all. Yuning, you do not need to be so heartless. Let us discuss things amicably. Aunt, I think what Yuning is most angry about is the fact that Lu Jingzhi had to settle the debt for her after you left the Jiang family with eight hundred million yuan worth of debts. Therefore, I think it would be best if you gave Yuning that sum so that you can appease her. In that way, she can also repay the Lu family for their kindness. We can discuss everything else at a later time.”

“Yuning, can we do what your cousin has just suggested then? Is that alright with you?” Fu Yahui asked carefully as she looked at Jiang Yuning.

“Do you really think that eight hundred million yuan will be enough to make up for all the grievances that I suffered and endured for the past few years? Huo Yuxi was given 3% of shares in Dongheng Enterprise, but what do I get in the end?” Jiang Yuning asked as she stared at Fu Yahui with tears in her eyes.

“I want eight hundred million yuan and I also want you to give me 10% of Dongheng Enterprise’s shares. If you can fulfill these conditions as compensation, then I promise that I will not mention this matter again in the future. However, if you feel that I am not worth it, or if you do not want to agree to my conditions, then I have nothing else to say to you. I will not discuss this matter with you anymore. I do not care if I have to go down with you, since I should have been dead five years ago anyway,” Jiang Yuning said fearlessly. She knew that this was the only way that she could threaten Fu Yahui.

After all, those who were barefoot would never be afraid of those who wore shoes.

Fu Yahui would only feel the pressure when Jiang Yuning no longer had anything else to lose and had already given up completely.

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