Chapter 531 - 535

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Chapter 531: The Both of You Never Met Before, Right?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

No matter what it was, Jiang Yuning was very cool.

After that, she even changed her social media account name to ‘Not looking for anyone in the entertainment circle’.

Wasn’t this clear enough? Anyone who was not blind should already understand her attitude at this time.

After that, the fact that Jiang Yuning changed her social media account name made it to the hot search again.

The netizens could only sigh as soon as they saw the news. How desperate must she have felt to have acted this way?

She had probably endured this for a long time.

After looking at Jiang Yuning and Guangying Media’s response, many of the passers-by finally woke up. Of course, some of those passers-by did not expect Jiang Yuning to react in this manner.

She could love whoever she wanted to.

Of course, after her counterattacks, Jiang Yuning felt that she finally had some room to breathe.

This was because even when she participated in the promotional events for <Nameless Orphan> with Xiao Chennan, it seemed as though no one was reprimanding or hurling insults at her anymore. Everything seemed to calm down a little.

However, Jiang Yuning sincerely hoped that the film emperor would take a break and stop releasing any fresh materials to the media.

Gu Hanwei tried many different channels in an attempt to contact Jiang Yuning personally but to no avail. In the end, he even contacted Director Shen Guobang to speak to Jiang Yuning.

Director Shen Guobang knew about Jiang Yuning’s situation and he knew that Jiang Yuning would definitely decline Gu Hanwei’s advances. However, since Director Shen Guobang had worked with Gu Hanwei in the past, he could not reject him directly. Therefore, Director Shen Guobang decided to call Jiang Yuning personally.

“I…I know that you find him really annoying right now but it is difficult for me to turn down his request without giving it a try. He told me that he sincerely wants to apologize to you and resolve the misunderstanding between the both of you. He has no other malicious intentions. Young girl, look…”

“Director Shen Guobang, I hope that you will not get involved in my personal affairs. I am really disgusted by him and I really do not want to see him at all. Therefore, I am sorry to trouble you but please tell him I said no. I think that this is really unnecessary,” Jiang Yuning refused without any hesitation at all. She did not even give it a second thought.

“Don’t you want to think about it at all? In fact, he is not as bad as the netizens make him out to be. I think that there is really a lot of misunderstandings between the both of you.”

“You think so? Director Shen Guobang, do you know how long I have been reprimanded and criticized on the internet because of him? I…I would have exploded a long time ago since I do not have a good temper or any patience at all. Therefore, since things have already turned out this way, I have no interest in meeting him at all, no matter what type of person he is. I want you to understand that I do not want to get involved with someone like you.”

“Can you give him a chance to explain himself, for my sake?” Director Shen Guobang finally used his last card. “It would already be great if you could just talk to him over the phone. He is right beside me now…”

“That is really unnecessary. I do not want to have any more trouble. I really appreciate your kindness but I do not wish to speak to him at all.”

“Alright then.” In fact, Director Shen Guobang knew Jiang Yuning very well.

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