Chapter 231 - 235

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Chapter 231: Her Charismatic Husband Was Back Again

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiang Yuning took the white envelope from Sister Liang and when she opened it up, she realized that it was an invitation letter from Lu Jingzhi’s university. As an alumnus of the university, Lu Jingzhi was invited to participate in the university’s sixtieth anniversary dinner tomorrow night.

“What is that?”

Vera asked Jiang Yuning but when she saw the invitation letter, she immediately replied, “Oh, since the second young master Lu is an alumnus of the university, it is normal for him to receive invitations to attend events such as this.”

Jiang Yuning quickly held out the invitation letter and smiled reluctantly before she asked Sister Liang to put the invitation letter in a prominent place in case second brother needed to use it.

Alas, nobody would understand the bitterness that she was feeling in her heart.

Vera did not notice anything unusual and she continued looking and deciding on the next activity that she should secure for Jiang Yuning. “That’s right, I almost forgot! After participating in the recording for the third issue of <Desert Island Rescue>, you will have to attend the annual dinner hosted by Guangying Media. This will be your first year attending the annual dinner. Therefore, you should make time for it to meet some of the people in the top management and also for you to meet and greet some of your seniors in the industry.”

“Alright. You can make the arrangements for me,” Jiang Yuning replied in a bitter manner as she nodded her head.

Later that afternoon, Jiang Yuning went to the music teacher’s house for her singing lessons before she headed directly to the shooting range for her training.

However, Jiang Yuning did not need help from her coach at all today. This was because she vented her anger and all her feelings that were pent up deep inside her and focused it on the bullets instead.

“Not bad. You did very well today. You are making good progress.” The female coach who was standing behind Jiang Yuning praised her because she did not know the reason behind Jiang Yuning’s motivation today.

After she was done with her training at the shooting range, Jiang Yuning went home immediately and after taking a shower, she took out her script and started memorizing her lines for the upcoming drama. It seemed as though this was the only way to stop herself from overthinking.

At half past six later that evening, Lu Jingzhi received news that his wife had already completed her training at the shooting range in the afternoon. She was just telling him how much she needed him as her motivation yesterday, but why did she go to the shooting range by herself today?

Lu Jingzhi arrived back at the villa at seven o’clock at night and as soon as he stepped into the house, Sister Liang quickly approached him and said, “Sir, I seemed to have done something wrong.”

Sister Liang felt very guilty and felt as though she was the reason why Jiang Yuning was upset. Although Jiang Yuning did not say anything, Sister Liang could tell that she was not her usual self and that she seemed a little upset.

After explaining the situation to Lu Jingzhi, Sister Liang handed the invitation letter over to him.

Lu Jingzhi took the invitation letter from Sister Liang before he nodded slightly. “Okay, I got it. You can get off work now.”

Lu Jingzhi then took the invitation card as he headed to the balcony on the second floor. He saw Jiang Yuning sitting on the lounge chair on the balcony as she enjoyed the cold and chilly sea breeze.

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