Chapter 331 - 335

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Chapter 331: If I Miss You That Much, Then I Will Come Over and Catch You!
“Moreover, those of you who kept telling me to replace Jiang Yuning with another actress had better pay more attention and be more alert because I will be watching you.”

As soon as Director Mong’s words fell, those people had a guilty expression on their faces.

After all, they finally realized that Director Mong had never intended to replace Jiang Yuning from the very beginning. Everything was just a trick so that villains such as themselves would reveal their ugly sides in front of him.

“Moreover, I want the production crew members who were falsely spreading rumors about Jiang Yuning to be careful. You had better find a way to clarify yourselves and to make things right again. Otherwise, I will have to relieve you of your duties. It has only been two days since everyone joined the crew and you are already trying to create tension amongst the cast and crew? Do not test my patience any further because things will get ugly!”

Director Mong spoke in a serious manner.

The production crew members could not help but feel nervous as they listened to him.

This was because they were merely joining in the excitement and gossiping among themselves in exchange for some money.

Who would have known that they would be kicking themselves in the back?

At this point, Jiang Yuning also took the opportunity to stand up and spoke to the entire production cast and crew in a serious manner. “I know that many of you look down on me and do not think that I am up to your standards or expectations. I also know that many of you are making fun of me and laughing at me behind my back. It does not matter to me and I don’t care much about it anyway. However, I want you to know that I am not a very kind or generous person. If anyone tries to bully or humiliate me and I find out about their intentions to do so, I will definitely fight back with all of my strength and capability.”

“We are all just trying to survive in the entertainment industry, so what is the point of making things ugly between us?”

After Jiang Yuning spoke, some of the production crew members had a guilty look on their faces.

Director Mong could not help but secretly laugh to himself. After that, he gave his instructions to everyone. “We will end filming for today here. I want Chennan and Yuning to meet me after this. I have something to tell you two.”

Director Mong intended to give the production crew a chance to repent and learn from their mistakes.

If they continued spreading rumors and negative news about Jiang Yuning the next day, then they should not blame him for taking strict actions against them.

“Young girl, come here. Tell me now, how did you know the feelings and emotions that I wanted you to portray?” Director Mong asked Jiang Yuning out of curiosity.

“Someone very important to me found out about the predicament I was in. He took me to the streets and asked me to observe the general worker who was sweeping the road and the firefighters who were clearing a blockage in the sewer. He explained to me the meaning of being rooted to the country,” Jiang Yuning replied truthfully.

“Then…this person who is so important to you must be a very amazing person,” Director Mong replied as he laughed. “He had the heart of an angel and he understands all the sorrows and troubles that every individual faces on their own. He also understand his roots.”

“Of course,” Jiang Yuning could not help but reply defensively.

That was her husband.

The shiniest superstar in the world.

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