Chapter 106-110

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Chapter 106: You are Finally Smart Again

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

By ten o’clock in the morning, Lawyer Zou had already accompanied Jiang Yuning to the police station to report the case. Additionally, Lawyer Zou had also provided all the corresponding evidence and documents to the police officer.

As Jiang Yuning was a public figure, the news that she had made a trip to the police station quickly reached the media.

However, since she was standing in between Ku Jie and Lawyer Zou, the reporters and paparazzi were unable to capture Jiang Yuning’s face in their photographs.

Nobody would have known the reason behind Jiang Yuning’s visit to the police station except for the party who was directly involved in the matter…Miss Fu Yahui.

At this time, Fu Yahui had not gotten hold of the news yet. She had been thinking to herself that luck must be on her side. Based on Jiang Yuning’s reaction so far, she probably did not even have to transfer 10% of Dongheng Enterprise’s shares over to Jiang Yuning at all.

It was already the fourth day after their agreement, but Jiang Yuning had not spoken up or taken any action against her at all. Therefore, she assumed that Jiang Yuning was probably too busy squandering the four hundred million yuan that she had already transferred to her.

Fu Yahui thought that everything was going perfectly for her.

However, as soon as she received the phone call from her lawyer, it felt as though she had fallen from heaven to hell.

“Mrs. Huo, I have something that I have to tell you. Please listen attentively to what I am about to say.”

“Jiang Yuning did not call me to chase me about the share transfer. Does that mean that I no longer need to transfer the shares over to her now?” Fu Yahui asked her lawyer as she took a sip from her cup of tea. She had a very smug expression on her face, and it seemed as if she was extremely satisfied with what she had achieved.

“About that…I have just received the news that Jiang Yuning has already made a trip to the police station to file a case against you…” the lawyer quickly replied with a guilty conscience.

“What did you just say?” Fu Yahui asked as she stood up immediately in shock. “Can you repeat what you had just said?”

“I said that Jiang Yuning has already brought a lawyer with her to the police station to file a case against you. Furthermore, her lawyer is the Lu family’s lawyer. He is very reputable because he had never lost a single case ever since he started practicing as a lawyer,” the lawyer replied.

Fu Yahui could not control herself upon hearing the news. She was extremely flustered and her hands and feet were trembling out of fear.

“Had you not told me that Jiang Yuning was only threatening me because she wanted to gain some benefits from me? Did you not say that it was impossible for her to file a case against me? I completely believed everything you said and look at what it has gotten me into!”

“Mrs. Huo, I did not know that she would really have the guts to go to the police station to file a case against you,” the lawyer replied helplessly. He could not comprehend why Jiang Yuning would do that.

After all, he had thought that Jiang Yuning was merely a stupid and helpless person who would not know what to do. It seemed as though he had misjudged her character.

“What is the use of telling me all this right now? Jiang Yuning has already told the police everything!” Fu Yahui yelled over the phone. “Have you already destroyed all the evidence that I have told you to destroy? If we lose this lawsuit, you are going down with me.”

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