Chapter 21-25

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Chapter 21: Kissed Until It Was Swollen
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After Ku Jie left, Jiang Yuning tried to contact the lawyer who had worked for the Jiang family in the past. Five years ago, when the Jiang family went bankrupt, it was that lawyer who helped her to settle the debts of the Jiang family. It was because of this lawyer that Jiang Yuning could enter the entertainment industry with no worries about owing any debt, except to earn enough money for their living expenses.

Now that Fu Yahui had returned, Jiang Yuning needed to find that lawyer because he was the only one who knew exactly how much money Fu Yahui had stolen from the Jiang family in the past. If Jiang Yuning were to initiate a lawsuit, she needed a witness who knew every exact detail of all the events that had transpired in the past. She needed a professional lawyer to help her deal with all this. However, searching for this lawyer now was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The wind was very strong that night and the atmosphere was gloomy.

When the troubled Jiang Yuning saw Lu Jingzhi taking off his coat with the help of Sister Liang, she immediately looked at him with big pleading eyes and said, “Second Brother, please help me look for someone.”

“Who?” Lu Jingzhi said as he turned his head sideways to look at her.

“The lawyer who formerly worked for the Jiang family.”

“Why are you looking for him?” Lu Jingzhi asked after a moment of silence. He turned around but did not look at Jiang Yuning. It was as though he was afraid that he would accidentally reveal any secret.

“I just want to find him and ask for his help. I really want to figure out how much debt the Jiang family had in the past,” Jiang Yuning replied with high expectations. She had spent the last few years looking for her benefactor, but even after all these years, her efforts had been futile.

“Even if you figure it out, would you even be able to repay that debt?” Lu Jingzhi quickly replied, keeping a straight expression on his face.

“Why are you so certain that I will not be able to repay him?” Jiang Yuning rebutted. She felt as though Lu Jingzhi’s tone indicated that he knew exactly how much debt the Jiang family was in. “Second Brother, just tell me if you are willing to help me or not.”

Lu Jingzhi unbuttoned his black shirt and after Sister Liang left the villa, he walked over and sat down right beside Jiang Yuning. “It all depends on your performance.”

“What performance?” Jiang Yuning was confused as she did not understand what he meant. She stared deeply into Lu Jingzhi’s eyes, and his black pupils had her reflection in them.

Lu Jingzhi got up from his seat and stood in front of Jiang Yuning as he grabbed hold of her wrist. He then put one hand behind her back and swooped her up into his arms.

Jiang Yuning was so shocked that she subconsciously wrapped her legs around his waist and put her arms around Lu Jingzhi’s neck. “Do you have nothing else to do every time you return to this villa?”

What she meant was, he only knew how to take advantage of her.

As Lu Jingzhi carried her to the bedroom, he felt that Jiang Yuning was getting more and more courageous. Just a few days ago, she was coming up with all sort of reasons just to avoid getting into the bedroom with him but now, she dared to question him directly.

“Men will not spare any effort when it comes to training their woman.”

Initially, Jiang Yuning thought that Lu Jingzhi would put her down as soon as they arrived at the bedroom. However, after arriving at the bedroom, Lu Jingzhi pushed her up against the wall and started kissing her passionately.

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