Chapter 221 - 225

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Chapter 221: Ditched for No More Than Three Seconds

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Jingzhi entered the villa at half past six in the evening.

Jiang Yuning looked up at Lu Jingzhi and she could not help but stare at his long and perfect silhouette. How could such a perfect and handsome man exist in this world?

Even if she spent every day of her life with him, it would still not be enough…

“So, what do you want from me?” At this time, Lu Jingzhi was wiping his hands with the wet hand towel that Sister Liang had just passed to him.

Lu Jingzhi had a calm expression on his face although he was in fact very excited because Jiang Yuning needed him.

Ah! Such ego.

“Second brother…you know how to shoot, right?”

As soon as Lu Jingzhi heard Jiang Yuning’s question, he immediately knew her intentions. He sat down on the sofa next to Jiang Yuning before he said, “I am not going to teach you.”

“Why not?” Jiang Yuning asked with a discouraged look on her face.

“Because your ability to control your own nosebleed when you see me is too terrible.” Lu Jingzhi laughed at the expression on Jiang Yuning’s face as he loosened the buttons on his shirt.

“Are you sure you are not going to teach me? If that is the case, I will have to look for another instructor. The instructor will not only hold my hands, but he will also hug me from the back and…”

Before Jiang Yuning could finish her sentence, Lu Jingzhi had already lifted her chin in his hand and kissed her directly on her lips.

After an intense kiss, Lu Jingzhi then whispered into Jiang Yuning’s ear. “I see you are starting to get more and more courageous…”

“Well, are you going to teach me or not?” Jiang Yuning asked in a coquettish tone as she pulled Lu Jingzhi’s collar gently.

“I will teach you how to shoot after you learn how to swim.”

“I am going to change into my swimsuit right now!” Jiang Yuning was very excited because she could not wait to see how heroic and masculine Lu Jingzhi looked when he held a gun in his hand. “Sigh…if only we had already gotten together when you were serving in the military. If that was the case, then I would have been able to go to the army base to visit you and I could have looked at you when you were still so handsome and tender.”

When Lu Jingzhi heard Jiang Yuning’s words, he pulled her back into his arms and asked, “So, do you think that I am old now?”

Jiang Yuning stared right into Lu Jingzhi’s eyes and replied, “No…you are just more mature and full of hormones now.”

In fact, Jiang Yuning could already be considered the luckiest person in the world because she had seen many different sides of him.

Jiang Yuning also finally took her swimming lesson seriously because there was a goal that she wanted to achieve.

This made Lu Jingzhi laugh.

Was his wife really interested in shooting?

Or was she just interested in him?

Better yet, was she just interested in the way he shot?

Vera and Jiang Yuning headed over to the cosmetics company to meet up with the person in charge to discuss the employment contract for Jiang Yuning’s appointment as their brand ambassador. Jiang Yuning could feel the other party’s sincerity because they had already waited for her for more than three months just so they could appoint her as their ambassador.

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