Chapter 346 - 350

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Chapter 346: The Other Party Inflicted This Upon Herself
When Jiang Yuning saw this hot search on the Internet, Jiang Yuning suddenly thought of Yi Fan’s remark earlier in the afternoon. Yi Fan had said that Jiang Yuning would not be able to stop her.

This was completely out of control.

Suddenly, all the questions that Jiang Yuning had were answered.

Yi Fan was trying so desperately to stop her from performing on stage at B University because she wanted to prevent her from singing ‘Holding Hearts’ in public.

This was because Yi Fan knew very well that once both songs were released, it was only a matter of time because someone discovered the similarities between their songs. To get a head start over Jiang Yuning, Yi Fan had intentionally released her hit single, ‘Stealing Hearts’, about a month earlier just so she would eventually have stronger evidence against Jiang Yuning for plagiarism.

[I do not believe that Jiang Yuning will plagiarize.]

[The evidence is already out in the open. Yi Fan’s fans have already made a comparison of the rhythms and melodies of the two songs. There is strong evidence to support the claim that Jiang Yuning plagiarized Yi Fan’s song.]

[How can this be true? I really do not think that Jiang Yuning would do something like this. If Jiang Yuning really did plagiarize Yi Fan’s song, do you think that she would dare perform and sing her song during B University’s fiftieth anniversary celebration?]

[Moreover, Jiang Yuning is already so popular right now. She really does not need to do such a thing at all.]

After news of the plagiarism broke out, none of the passers-by believed that Jiang Yuning would do something like that. After all, Jiang Yuning did not have any reason to do so.

She was already so popular and she was so busy filming her drama and variety programs. Why would she see the need to do this?

That did not make sense at all.

Even though the passers-by did not believe that Jiang Yuning would do something like that, they could not simply ignore the evidence present.

Yi Fan’s fans had also come forward to blame Jiang Yuning for plagiarizing their idol’s song as soon as they saw the evidence online.

[This is so upsetting! It was really difficult for Yi Fan to switch from singing folk songs to singing love songs successfully but she has to encounter someone who had tried to plagiarize her song, thinking that she can actually get away with it. What is even more disappointing is the fact that Jiang Yuning actually chose to plagiarize the song that has been written and composed by her own friend and roommate in the past!]

[She won such a beautiful battle when she had dealt with the public relations issue earlier today, but news of her plagiarism broke out later in the afternoon. Jiang Yuning, don’t you feel ashamed of yourself? The evidence points directly to you!]

[Anyone who insists that Jiang Yuning did not plagiarize Yi Fan’s song is absolutely blind. The evidence is so clear and obvious. Even though I was starting to like Jiang Yuning, I have zero tolerance for anyone who would plagiarize the work of others!]

[Jiang Yuning should not compose or write her own song if she does not have the ability to do so. It is really embarrassing that she has to copy someone else’s work.]

[Jiang Yuning, you had better come out and apologize now!]

When the Ginger Candies saw Yi Fan’s fans reprimanding and criticizing their little fairy, they could not stand it any longer. Therefore, the Ginger Candies started talking back to Yi Fan’s fans. They did not believe that Short Jiang was guilty of plagiarism.

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