Chapter 461 - 465

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Chapter 461: Are You Really So Talented?
Although they were not the most perfect moves and even though he almost fell a couple of times, it was very surprising that Lu Jingqi could still remember all of the dance moves that he had just seen.

Jin Mingchen laid on the grass and supported his body with his elbow as he watched Lu Jingqi dancing in front of him. After watching Lu Jingqi imitating and performing all of the dance steps that he had shown him earlier, Jin Mingchen wiped the sweat off his face before he exclaimed, “Are you really so talented?”

When Lu Jingqi heard Jin Mingchen praising him after showing off his dance moves, his eyes shone brightly as though he understood that Jin Mingchen was praising him.

This was the first time that Third Uncle Lu had seen such an expression on Lu Jingqi’s face after so many years.

“You are really very talented, Jingqi! Let me rest a little while more before I show you some more dance moves and you can follow my steps, okay?”

Lu Jingqi nodded excitedly after listening to Jin Mingchen’s words.

After that, it seemed as though Lu Jingqi was getting more and more flexible. He could mimic and remember all the dance moves that Jin Mingchen showed him after watching it twice.

Everyone was really shocked at this time.

Jiang Yuning and Chen Jingshu exchanged glances with one another as they smiled. It seemed as though it was really useful to use the thing that Lu Jingqi enjoyed the most to stimulate him.

At this time, Jin Mingchen was also very excited. This was because it was the first time that he had ever encountered such a talented dancer. The dance moves that he had just showed Lu Jingqi was the latest choreography of the dance that he had only performed once at a concert. Therefore, Jin Mingchen knew that it was completely impossible for Lu Jingqi to have seen the dance moves before.

Jin Mingchen was really surprised that Lu Jingqi could catch on and learn all the dance moves so quickly and effortlessly.

After a brief moment, Jin Mingchen jumped back in front of Jiang Yuning as he gave her a thumbs up. “Sister Yuning, can I bring the young master back with me so that he can train with all of us? Young Master Jingqi is a natural talent, and I believe he will definitely turn out to be a very amazing dancer if he trains under a professional teacher.”

“But his condition right now…”

“I don’t think that there is any problem with the young master at all. I have absolutely no problem communicating with him. Sister Yuning, I promise to definitely keep an eye on him and I will make sure to protect him. I have never seen a dancer as talented as he is. Therefore, I really feel that it would be a pity for him to give up on an opportunity to train under a professional,” Jin Mingchen continued exclaiming excitedly.

In fact, Jiang Yuning felt that it would be plausible for them to allow Jin Mingchen to look after Lu Jingqi on their behalf.

They could place Lu Jingqi as a trainee under the same entertainment company as Jin Mingchen. Lu Jingqi could learn all the dance moves and undergo the training process as long as there was someone that they could trust watching over him and protecting him. This way, Lu Jingqi would be able to make more new friends and this would help him to integrate into society more easily.

However, Third Uncle Lu would definitely be worried.

This was because Third Uncle Lu did not dare to let Lu Jingqi out of his sight at all. As soon as Third Uncle Lu heard Jin Mingchen’s proposal, he quickly walked towards both of them as he said, “Isn’t all of this proceeding too quickly? Yuning, I cannot agree to this. It is too risky to place Jingqi in such a position.”

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