39: i'm sorry

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     Laying on the bed with his arms folded under his head, onto the pillow, Kita stared blankly over the ceiling that hovered over him. He kept his eyes glued on the ceiling for awhile already. However, as soon as the memory of that day stroke his mind, replaying infront of his eyes like a broken cd, he closed his eyes tightly and heaved a sigh.

     He rolled to his left side, looking at the night sky outside of the window. To say he was playing cool and acting all calm, he wasn't. He might be looked like he was but he wasn't, truly. His grandma once pointed out how he seemed distant and bothered lately and not only that, his eldest sister who just gave a visit at grandma's house also said the same thing. Whenever his sister said those, Kita gave her a pair of judgmental looks.

     How can yer said that when yer just comebackㅡ his heart whispered. About the teammate, even if they noticed, none of them had gut to bring the topic up. Might be his fellow third years friends would have talk about it to him. However, neither Aran, Omimi nor Akagi mentioned about it which Kita grateful for.

     About Ayumu, they didn't change word since then. How many days since then already? Few days ago but it felt so long when they were not talking to one another.

     Kita turned to other side where his nightstand was. Exchanging look to the lamp which surprisingly looked interesting to Kita stared at and then towards his device. Sigh escaped from his lips again as he closed his eyes afterwards. The image of Ayumu's shock eyes when he kissed herㅡreflashed before his eyes.

     She must be hate me now.

     Snapping Kita from his bothering thoughts, there some knocks against his room door.

     "Shinsuke. Are yer sleeping?" It was his sister.
     "No. Why?"
     "We run out some stock from the kitchen, wanna come with me?"


     Ayumu leaned against her bed headboard as she was on her phone, scrolling her social media. Just like Kita was, her mind was bothered with what happened. Since she didn't want to get distracted with it, she needed to do something. She needed to be a little active than she used to. However at last, she still found herself alone inside her room. There was no energy of her to go hang out with her brothers at their room or at the living room or even their usual night routine inside her bedroom.

     She needed her time alone, guess. Eventhough there was nothing much she could do whenever she was inside, still, the bed would be her placed to stay longer. She once thought to distract her mind but reading some bookㅡobviously novels or manga, but she could not. Just by having a glance of the book, she would remember him and that triggered the memory to reflash infront of her eyes again.

     "Yumu!!" Osamu knocked her room door, stealing her focus from her phone. "Tsumu and I plan to have night walks. Maybe gonna stop by at convenience store nearby for some ramen or something. Wanna tag alongㅡ"

     The last words barely complete yet whenever the room door got swung opened in no matter of second. It was Atsumu. His hands on his hips, as he was looking at Ayumu. Osamu, who had his word cut off, could only deathly glared at his twin.

     "It's not 'wanna tag along' or not. Ya are coming with us. And I don't take no as answer." Atsumu said, sounded furious." Now, go and get ready. Samu and I will wait for ya downstair."

     With that, Atsumu left the scene. As well as leaving Ayumu and Osamu behind. The younger twin trailed his gaze on Atsumu lazily before he turned towards Ayumu and softly smiled at her.

     "Tsumu kinda at edge yeah..since ya not paying attention to him much." Osamu shrugged his shoulder, stifle some tender chuckles.
   "SAMU!I HEARD YA! AM NOT THE ONLY ONE. YA TOO FEEL THE SAME THING! STOP USING MA NAME!" Atsumu yelled out,from only god knew where he was.