5: intense

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     Ayumu was by her own at park nearby her house neighbourhood. She sat on a bench nearby and leaned her back against it. Her gaze, she threw away to the front, looking at somewhere not specific. Sometime the sky, sometime the trees and sometime the people. Her heart was still blazing on what had happened at gymnasium, back at school.

     How she hoped with the help of the evening breeze, her heart could cool down but it just a wishㅡthings not always go the way we wanted anyway. Ayumu breathed out and picked up her mineral bottle by her side and took a few gulps from it. It been weeks(?) since what happened. Ayumu didn't bother to count anyway. Because to her it just waste of her time.

    Kitaㅡthat freak.

    Yeah, even it been weeks, seemed like the blazing fire inside her heart never faded. Moreover, since what happenedㅡthe fate really made them encountered often; either by personal or when Kita with his group of friend.



    "Nii-chan. Hye! Aran-kun, its been awhile. Hehe." Eventhough she was relieve with the fact that her brothers finally here, she could not forget that the tension feeling which build between Kita and her was growing thickened. Hence, there was awkwardness vibrating over her voice. She could not even show how excited she was to get meeting Aran again after so long.

     "Aran, ya know her too?" Another guy asked him as Aran just nodded with a smile. "Yeah, didn't I told ya that me and Miya met at volleyball workshop years ago?"

     Then, Aran turned towards Ayumu's brothers. "Why ya guys not telling me, Ayumu is here?" There laced disappointment over his voice. Both Tsumu and Samu shrugged their shoulders and rubbed their back of neck.

    "Urm...we thought ya might be know already. Seem like the students keep on talking about our sister. So. . . Thought it already reach ya." Explained Samu as the other had their ears opened for his explaination. Aran could only shook his head lazily, could not believe the two brothers didn't tell him about Ayumu.

    But the not so reunion conversation had no chance to lasting longer when Kita started to open his mouth.

    "So, Miya Ayumu. . .you are a volleyball player back in your junior high?"
    "Also, a captain?"

    Through the Q and A session with Kita, Kita not even averted his eyes towards Ayumu but on Ayumu's club form instead.

    "Then, why boy volleyball club?"
    "I am applyin' to be a manager."

     Of course Kita would ask thar question, why, she wanted to be a manager? But that question was the question Ayumu was less prepare to answer. She really hoped Kita would not ask her thatㅡthought who knows, the captain being thoughtful and not asking so much questionsㅡ but what you could expect from Kita anyway.

     Since she wasn't prepare for the question, Ayumu indeed took a little time to answer. That was the moment, Kita finally looked up at her. His face like always, showed no emotion.

     How Ayumu wished to say something like ㅡ do you really need reason to winㅡ it was from her old friend words; but Ayumu could not find the similarity between the question she been asked and the sentence. In this world, every question always have the answer. So did the question that Kita asked her. And Ayumu knew exactly what the answer was butㅡ