13: annoying

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    Have you heard about your words bitting you back? There it was. . .

     With furious eyes she glared at the building infront of her, her hands gripped tightly her now crumpled club form, she was in the edge of explosion. She should see this coming but she didn't want to see this coming. Her heart was boiling to her brain made she wanted to breath fire and steams.


   "Ya don't wanna Shinsuke being your mentor?" The teacher asked her for confirmation.
   "Yeah, sensei. We already discuss about it. He was fine with it. But, he said to ask ya first." Ayumu said.

    The teacher silent for a moment. Pen in between her finger stop spinning as she clasped her hands under her chin.

    "I already toldcha that Shinsuke is the top first place student right?" The teacher finally voiced out. For the answer to her question, Ayumu nodded her head. Somehow she could not digested more about the information of Kita was the top student and yadda yadda yadda.

    "When weㅡthe teacher still in metting to choose the mentor, Shinsuke is the first person we put in list. We know he can help to guide ya at least to how ya manage yer schedule, the trick to answer and how to study. He might be seem like cold person but he is a good person." The teacher smiled.

    "Can't I just have another mentor. Exchange with others?" Ayumu instantly asked, no wanting to hear the teacher keep on praising abou that short freak Kita Shinsuke. She almost puke listened to it. Why he could be nice to the teacher not to her?

   "Ayumu, everyone seemes fine with their own mentor now. Even if they didn't, they don't come to ask for it. If I did change yer mentor, it might be unfair to others." The teacher answered. The answer enough to bring Ayumu's face dropped. She knew what the teacher exactly mean.

   "I didn't know what yer issues with Shinsuke, but please don't make the issue be the barrier of you two. Shinsuke is a great student and senpai. So, learn alot from him yeah?"


     Her eyes started to hurting now because she could not stop glaring at the building. Kita perhaps already expected such answer from the teacher anyways hence he had gut to ask Ayumu face the teacher herself.

    Curse you Kita Shinsuke.

    Still with boiling blood and blazing heart, she walked towards the main door. The door already opened. Spiking ball sound and squecking sound of shoes against court could clearly heard.

    Nice receive
    Nice serve

    Also, clearly to the ears. Ayumu stood like a stone at the door step, looking at the members practising. She saw her two brothers which in instantly calm down her nerve. For a long time, she finally could feel herself relax. Her face even crocked a small smile. Seeing her brothers practising that hard, made she proud of some reason. But they were not the one she was looking for.

    As she found the one, her face started to hardened again. He was spiking some balls that Atsumu tossed for them. Looking at him made her blood boil again in no time. How she hoped, she no need to face him or even look at him forever.