29: journey

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     Everyone who already loaded their bags under the bus, entered the vehicle soon after. As Ayumu climbed inside the bus, her twin brothers had this shiny twinkling eyes whenever they saw her. Both rushed towards her which she abruptly stopped on her path.

     "Yumu, sits with nii-chan here okay?" Osamu said, pointing at two last row from the back.
     "No, Yumu will sit with me. Ya can sit with Suna. Okay Yumu?" Atsumu argued back.

     There they started again. As if the team members grew used to the siblings bicker already, they only shook their heads with small smile decorated their face. And, yet before Osamu could fire back to his twin, Kita interrupted who happened to just enter the bus.

     "Miya will sit with me." Kita said, silencing the two brothers. Not only that, the other members too. "Ya two can sit together. So no need to get heat up over that."

     Aran drew an amaze face as he heard the statement from Kita. He was sitting at his seat already. But it wasn't long, the amaze face stayed as Ayumu sighed. She walked through her brothers and sat at this one seat, third row from the front to back. She put her bag beside her and looked at her brothers, completely ignored Kita's presence there.

     "I'll sit here by myself. So, don't fight because of me." She said and looked out the window. She really not spear a glance on Kita's way.
     "Okay! We will sit down right here behind ya." Atsumu beamed and quickly snatched his bag from his previous seat at the back. And Osamu did the same thing.

     Kita gave a glance on Ayumu who had her gaze out of the window, looking at non particular objects.

     "Kita, here." Aran called for him, tapping the seat beside him. Heaving a silent sigh, he walked towards Aran and sat beside him. He settled down his bag by his feet.

     "I appreciate that you want to start conversation with her again." Aran said, softly smiled at him. Kita didn't know what to say for that. So, he just nodded his head.

     "Yumu, didya bring ya citrus flavor candy?" Osamu asked his sister. "If ya didn't, I bring some myself. Just tell me okay?"
Then, Atsumu added; "How about ya ointment? Did ya bring it? I bring spare too."

     The conversation of the three siblings took Kita's attention. So, did Aran's. As if Aran could read Kita's mind where the latter probably confused why the brothers brought up the topic, Aran took that as a cue for him to tell Kita about that.

     "Ayumu has motion sickness. So, she needs those to keep her feel better." Aran told him and Kita nodded his head. He could not take off his eyes away from Ayumu's small figure who tried to push her brothers away from breaking into her comfort zone. But, Atsumu and Osamu didn't stop of course.

     Kita felt a big rush of relieve when he could listen to her voice again even the voice wasn't talking to him. During the day where he being all harsh on her, himself could not stay still without listening to Ayumu's voice. Perhaps, it was 45 minute where Ayumu didn't talk at all until she was the one who brought up about Fukurodani, there was a deep guilty digging inside him. And now seeing her had her brothers with her, the brothers who would do anything so they could make Ayumu laugh, smile and talk againㅡKita could not thank them enough.

     "We are taking group photo. I know our motto is we no need memories but I do need memories. So, please look at the camera." Ayumu suddenly voiced out, breaking the noises inside the bus so did brought back Kita to the reality. "Especially, third year. Please do look at the camera."

     Ayumu was holding up her phone that already set for 'selfie' mode. Everyone had their face beamed with wide grin, made silly pose and having twinkling eyes but Kita wasn't. He had his head looked away.