47: nii-chan

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     Today was the last day of Youth camp which mean only a few hours left till Atsumu came home. Ayumu just left from the kitchen with two boxes of juice. She looked everywhere inside the living room for her brother but Osamu was nowhere to be found. Apperantly, their parents were out for some errand so it left Ayumu alone with Osamu at home. She walked further from one corner to another till she went to the porch and saw Osamu was sitting there with his head was chinning upwards. His arms was stretching at the back as it supported his body weight.

     A small smile landed on Ayumu's face as she approached her brother.

     " Someone said before that he would not miss Tsumu but look who always spotted spacing out alone?" She sat beside him with a teasing grin. Osamu sent her a pair of boring eyes for a brief moment before he looked at the front. He obviously shown, he wasn't going to play along with Ayumu. She laughed at his reaction. As expected from Osamu, not gonna lie. She took one of his hand and gave him one juice. "Tsumu nii-chan gonna come home in a few hours though. Be patient yeah? Hehe."

    "Shut up, Yumu."  He sounded, sticking in the straw through the lid.
    "Heh~ what the wrong for admiting that? You guys are bros after all." Ayumu said, mirroring her brother's demanour. " Ecspecially, since ya guys are twin. Unlike how I seperated with ya, ya and Tsumu nii-chan barely aparted away. So, its normal to feel so."

     Osamu didn't say anything. Ayumu sip in her drinks as her eyes would glance towards Osamu. Just like everyone knew, Osamu was the calmest one between the three. The mystarious one sometime. The one who put the other two siblings in place. Because of Osamu and Atsumu were twin, people hard to tell which one was the eldest. Since Atsumu always claimed the title, so people would buy it but there would be spesific time where people thought it was Osamu instead. This guy always had his face visible with no exact expression. Mostly all calm and content. Thus, not everyone could tell what did Osamu had inside his mind.

     " Nii-chan." Ayumu nudged Osamu's arm.
     " What?"
     " What is it? Something wrong? You look like there a lot in your mind." She said, sounded concern.
     "Nothing specific."
     "Yeah? Still. . .wanna talk about it? In case that can ease your mind but I'm ot forcing ya."

    Osamu brought down the juice, holding the box gently with his hands. He faced his sister who had her eyes already looked at him. The straw was between her lips.

    " Third year senpai gonna graduate soon after we finish National. Then, it will be our time, second year to take the place. Then, when we; the second year graduate. . .it yer guys time,first year to take over." He said.
     "It should be like that. . ." She commented. To be honest, Ayumu barely caught up on what exactly Osamu wanted to bring up.
     " Everyone gonna take their own path after that. Naya nee. . . I just wonder. What the future hold upon us." He breathed out. Ayumu blinked her eyes. She put down the box on the floor.
      " What do ya want to be in the future nii-chan?" She asked.

     The question took Osamu's attention. As he looked at his sister, Ayumu had her dark coloured eyes on the blue sky. The light made the sky reflected inside her eyes.

      " Tsumu-nii chan is obviously wanna pursue in volleyball even after school. How about ya? Ya have something else right? Ya guys once fought because of that before." Ayumu smiled, finally locking her eyes with her brother's. Osamu nodded his head slightly and looked at the front again. His fingers were fiddling against the box.
      " I don't have any particular in mind though. But,I don't think I will continue volleyball after school." He said.
      " Everyone has their own dream, their own desire, their own goals to achive. So, its up to ya. As long as ya don't feel suffocated with it and enjoy the process, then. . .its good right?"