Chapter 1

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Hi! So before we start, I want to say sorry if I'm gonna make grammar errors, because it's my first story I'm writing on my laptop, and english isn't my native language. And I'm also pretty frustrated because I accidentally deleted a whole paragraph.

For the people who were worried about the age gap, I changed it a bit:

Cassandra: 23 (that doesn't change)

Varian: 17

The rest stays the same.

Anyways, enjoy!


Varian slowly opened his eyes.

"W-where am I," he muttered when he felt he wasn't laying in his bed, but chained against an oh so familiar black rock. His head was throbbing and he had a weird taste in his mouth. He tried looking around, but his eyes weren't used to the darkness yet. Then he heared footsteps, disturbing the peacefull sounds of the surounding woods, coming his way.

"Ah, I see that you're awake," announced a familiar voice to Varian from the woods in the direction of the footsteps.

"C-cassie? Is that you?" he asked unsure, as he looked at the place where the voice came from, his eyes now a bit more used to the darkness. Varian could make out a silhouette of a person leaning against a black rock. 

"You guessed correct."

Varian almost squealed in joy at the sound of the voice of his best friend, who he worried so much about. "Cassie! You have no idea how worried I was! Rapunzel and the rest came back without you and wouldn't tell what happened! I am so glad you're okay," he said, forgetting he was chained. At the boy's words, Cassandra balled her fists and sighed.

"So she didn't tell you? Well, I shouldn't be surprised."

"What do you-" but he stopped speaking when she came out of the shadows and into the moonlight. This wasn't the Cassandra he remembered. Her normally black hair was now turquoise, like her eys. Her armour was made of the black rocks, with a shining opal on her chest.

He found himself staring at her. Her armour made her slim body come out perfectly.

"Done staring?"

"Cassie, what happened to you?" He asked. She only smirked. "D-did you take the moon stone?"

She winked at him, which he took as a yes, and sat down on a tree trunk opposite of him.

"But why?"

"You're smart boy, figure it out," she said. He didn't know why, but when she complimented him, he felt a nice and warm feeling inside.

"Why did you take me?" Too many questions flooded in his mind. "Where am I?"

"Calm down V, one question at a time," when he heard his old nickname, the feeling returned. "But to answer the first..."

She stood up and knelt down in front of  him. His heart started beating faster, realizing they're really close now.

"Like I said before, you're smart. You could be useful. I know that sounds like I only want to use you for power, but believe me, power isn't what I'm after," she said. He didn't understand. He was still overwhelmed by seeing her again after a year.

"W-what do you mean?"

Her smirk grew wider.

"I want you to join me, Varian," she whispered, sending shivers down his spine. Then it all hit him. She wasn't his Cassie anymore, the girl he always had a crush on. She had become someone else.

"J-join you?" could he betray the trust of everyone? No, he didn't want to do that, not again. "I'm sorry, but I can't."

She only chuckled at this and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look her in the eyes. She noticed  that his heart was beating fast, which gave her an idea.

She looked him deeply in the eyes, and he felt like he was being X-rayed. Then she stroked his lips with her thumb, which made his head turn a dark red. Varian knew what she was doing. She knew he has a crush on her. She knew this is his weakness. But he couldn't do anything, he was chained and couldn't move.

"Sweet, innocent Varian," she whispered and leaned in, pressing her lips softly against his.

Varian melted into the kiss, although he knew that this was so wrong. He nontheless quite enjoyed it. Cassandra, to her surprise, was also enjoying it. She found herself admiring how soft his lips were. But she quickly came to her senses and slowly pulled back. 

She smirked at him again and stood up. "You'll change your mind eventually, Var," she said, turned around and dissapeared in a big tower made of the black rocks.


Soooo what do you think of this? I honestly have no idea. I got a lot of inspiration from other books, so if you have written a cassarian story and you see something here that looks like yours, it's probably inspired by your fic.

  I'll try to update soon but can't promise anything

word count: 827

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