Chapter 17

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Did an amv, hope you like it <3

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The sudden change from the calming quietness of the forest to the loud noises inside the cabin made his ears numb. His vision switched from blurry to sharp while he felt people ushering him to a place to sit down.

The familiar purple dress followed by those sparkling green eyes filled with worry made the noises become clear again.

"Eugene! Eugene! Can you hear me?" The princess said while her two hands gripped his shoulders, noticing the man's eyes were focusing on something non-existent in the air.

Only now the realization that he was back with her came to him. His eyes snapped to his girlfriend's while his arms wrapped around her body and pulled her close. She sighed in relief at the sign of consciousness.

"I'm so, so sorry, Rapunzel. I shouldn't have let you go with Max alone."

It took a few seconds for her to process his words before she hugged him, too.

"No, no, no, please don't say that. It wasn't your fault, you were just trying to protect Corona", Rapunzel said.

The alchemist looked at the two, feeling relieved at seeing him again. There were times he just thought he's dead and it's my fault.

Varian's eyes were following Lance, who was ushering away the people that had gathered around from them, asking to leave him alone.

In the corner of his eyes he saw that the couple had broken their hug. Whatever the captain had said made the princess turn around and beckon for the other two boys. He noticed a glint of confusion in her emerald eyes.

With a glance at the other people of Corona, who were mostly back to minding their own business, he made his way towards them.

"Please sit down", the captain said, and spoke again when they all did, "I wanted to say this with all of you listening, and I'll just get to the point.... Look, Cassandra's left Corona, and I think it's better we do so, too. Zhan Tiri is back and she's after both of the stones. I-I don't know how either, but I do know that we are in no state to fight that demon."

He nodded towards where some of the guards were sitting. One was helping another change his bandages.

The princess took a few seconds to process those words, before speaking herself.

"Did... did you see Cassandra?" She asked, almost cautious.

He nodded and sighed, explaining the whole story.



Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a familiar voice call out her name. The woman looked around the dark forest, chills were sended up her spine. Could she have imagined it?


There it is again, loud and clear. Definitely not imagining it. It seemed to come from the infinite darkness in between the trees. She quietly pulled out her sword from behind her and listened intensely. When it sounded again, Cassandra slowly followed the voice.

She damn well knew she shouldn't, since there is more chance for danger than anything good. She tried to tell herself that, but her body seemed like it didn't want to listen.

While she was walking, Cassandra lost track of time. It could've been just a few minutes, it could've been hours. The fact that she didn't know scared her. Between the leaves above her head appeared sometimes a weak ray of sunshine.

The woman stopped dead in her tracks when she felt a strange feeling from where her moonstone was.


Cassandra started to turn around, but changed her mind and continued forward.


Varian was standing outside, a bit further than the cabin, getting a few horses ready. Rapunzel wanted to see Corona for herself. Ofcourse her boyfriend had disagreed with it, but eventually he was fine with letting her see it from a distance.

While the boy was putting the horse's saddle on, he accidentally pulled it too tight, which made the animal whine.

"Shut up," the alchemist muttered to the horse.

Rapunzel and Lance, who were packing a few bags a bit further, noticed this.

"Hey, have you noticed anything weird about Varian lately? He seems pretty down all the time," the princess said when she saw the grumpy expression on Varian's face.

"Tell me about it. Yesterday he snapped at me because I asked him to massage my feet", Lance answered.

"That's... understandable", the blonde said with a slight disgusted look.

"You get the point. Normally he wouldn't react like that," he said, "But I don't blame him. I probably was robbing some store when I was his age."

"Yeah, but... he always brushes me off when I asks him if he's alright. It bothers me. I don't want him burying any feelings, he's too young to experience that", Rapunzel said as she watches the alchemist finish with the final horse.

"Do you remember when he started to act this way?" She asked her friend.

"I think about when he returned from Corona."

Could something have happened there?

"Hmm," She sighed, "I'm going to talk to him."

"Sure thing."

The princess stood up, brushed off her dress and made her way over to the boy. He noticed her coming in the corner of his eyes.

"Hey, princess. I got your horse ready. He just needs to rest for a bit and then he's ready. If you don't mind, I need to use the bathroom."

He brushed past her and took a few steps towards the cabin, but the princess then softly grabbed his wrist. She could swear she saw his eyes roll when she did so.

"Varian, I... if something is bothering you, you can always come to me. You know that, right?"

His eyes looked down for a moment before connecting with hers.

"Yes, I know that, princess. Thank you." He answered shortly. Rapunzel let go of his wrist and he immediately walked towards the cabin. The princess sighed and shook her head as she watched his small figure dissappear into the wooden house.

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