A random oneshot (Angst)

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Hello! So I suddenly got on idea and i wanted to make a short oneshot about it


Cassandra sighed as she putted a photo of her and Varian down. She was really trying hard to hold back her tears. Then something fell out her bag. She looked at what it was and saw Varians goggles. It was almost like he was saying "I'm here for you"

She could still hear the screams ringing in her ears. Her screams. She and Rapunzel were fighting, in the time when she still had the moonstone. A Coronian guard shooted an arrow at her, but Varian jumped in the way and instead got hit himself. For a moment Cassandra forgot all her rage and fell on her knees, screaming. 

"Varian! NO!"

She took his goggles carefully and started to sing a soft tune.

"All of my life I've been waiting for a chance,"

"So much of wasted time has slipped between my hands,"

"I know that my chances to be with you are through,"

"Still, I'd give anything for you,"

"Yes, I'd give anything to relive everything with you,"

She began packing her bags, because tomorrow she would leave Corona in search for her destiny. 

"I know I've made mistakes, they haunt my every move,"

"Since I pushed you aside this world turned dark and blue,"

"I miss the sun, but I'm a shadow of the moon,"

"Still, I'd give anything for you,"

"Yes, I'd give everything to relive everything we knew,"

She sat down on her bed and hugged Varians goggles.

"Because my everything was you.."


Look, I know this is trash, but I just had to write it down since i heard this version of I'd give anything on youtube by Feralady, make sure to check it out!

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