Chapter 2

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She smirked at him again and stood up. "You'll change your mind eventually, Var," she said, turned around and dissapeared in a big tower made of the black rocks.


How could he not have noticed the tower before? Did she made it? Probably, he thought. For a few moments he just stared at the building, still trying to catch his breath from the kiss. But then he remembered again what she had asked him.

"I want you to join me, Varian."

A part of him wanted to join her, because the woman he loved finally gave him attention. But deep down he knew it wasn't real, that it's all a game. That it's all a game. His eyes filled with tears at that thought. He wanted to wipe them away, but then remembered his hands were chained. That made his eyes fill with even more tears.

Gosh, Cassie, what are you doing to me?

He shook his head and went over his options; join her and be with the woman you love, but everyone else hates you, or, don't join her and then she'll hate you and probably take you as a prisoner. Although both had its disadvantages, he knew which sounded more likeable. 

"Fine, I'll join you," he muttered. 

"Excellent!" he heard and Cass reappeared at the entrance of the tower. She  waved her hand lazily and Varian felt his chains fall on the ground.

 Cass beckoned him to follow her.  Slowly, he stood up and walked over to her. She put her hand on his shoulder and lead him inside. 

Varian looked around in awe, this place was huge! Suddenly, he heard someone clear her throat. He looked up and realised that he had stopped walking.

"Did you build this?" he asked her. She nodded.

"Yep, and I don't wanna brag or something but I'm pretty proud of it," she smiled, looking around. That smile made his heart skip a beat. It wasn't an evil smile or a smirk, it was a real smile, like she just showed something to someone she really worked hard for, a smile of satisfaction. That gave him hope that the Cassie he knew was still out there, maybe far away, but still alive.

"Oh, and how did-"

"I hear you?" She interrupted, and smirked, "my black rocks hear everything."

He admitted, that was kinda creepy. So he decided he didn't want to elaborate on this. He just followed her silently, until they took a left turn and started climbing stairs. 

"What are you planning to do next?" he asked, "A-attack Corona?"

She didn't answer. At least not until they reached the top of the stairs.  The pair was now standing in a grand room. Varian was never afraid of heights, but when he looked outside and saw how far away they were from the ground, his stomach made a back flip.

"I'm not sure, but no, I don't think I will," Cassandra said. The alchemist turned around and saw that she had sat down on a black rock with a blunt top, sharpening her sword.

"Huh?" he asked confused, forgotten what he had asked before.

"No, I don't think I'll attack Corona, waste of time," she answered with a bored expression in her icy blue eyes, not looking up from her sword, "Why'd you ask? Do they exspect me to?" 

"Well, um, actually, yes I think they do," he said. Cass finally looked up, her bored expression replaced with a confused one. The way her eyes seemed to pierce his soul made it clear that he had to continue, "T-they expanded their army a-and fortified the borders, ready to fight in a possible war."

She furrowed her brows and attached her sword (too sharp to Varians liking) to her back again, crossed her legs and rested her head on her left hand.

"But why would they do that? I mean, sure, I may not have been the nicest to them lately, but I haven't attacked them," she stated. "Yes, I took you, but I'm not planning to keep you here forever. And it's not like I hurt you, is it?"

When he didn't answer, Cass's eyes widened with worry, and to his surprise, fear. "D-did I hurt you?" she didn't speak those words with a demanding, forceful tone like she usually did, but with a soft one. The tone the Cassie he knew would speak to him.

"No!" the raven boy said quickly, "No, you didn't hurt me. But-"

"Good," she said, her voice turning hard again, "It's getting late, you should head back to sleep, since I woke you."

He winced at her tone, and Cassandra didn't fail to notice. She sighed and stood up, and to his surprise, putted a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen, Varian, I haven't had much sleep the last couple of days, so I'm sorry if I said anything that upsets you,"  that made him smile. He knew that feeling, being tired and not really caring what you're saying.

"It's alright, Cassie. So umm, where do I sleep?" he asked. She chuckled and raised her hand. Behind her, a door appeared in the wall.


She turned around and walked to another door at the left side of the room.

"Goodnight, V"

"Goodnight, Cassie"


I personally think this chapter is a bit rushed. Also, sorry if my writing is not so good, I'm not a really experienced writer :(

word count: 910

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