To the 7: if you could swift lifes whit one, who would it be?

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Jason: Well... Percy's powers are pretty cool.
Hazel: Percy...
Piper: Percy...
Frank: Percy...
Percy: you do know that it said life, not powers... I don't think you want my life...
Annabeth: Piper. No doubt.
Piper: Why?
Annabeth: because you're the only one who hasn't been through trauma, lost your mom, or died. Plus I could control the boys whit your charm speak.
Percy: point Annabeth.
Leo: I wouldn't swift. All the girls would be so dissapointed.
Annabeth: if you had to choose repair boy?
Leo: hmm... Calypso.
Calypso: no you wouldn't.
Leo: yes i would.
Calypso: Why in the gods of Olympus would you want to be trapped on a Island your whole life?
Leo: Well... so I could kiss myself...
Everyone: gods Leo....

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