To Jason: who do you consider the love of your life?

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Leo: okay, last time to bet! Lay your guess in this box!
Jason: wait... you guys bet money on my love life?
Everyone: yep.
Jason: Well...
Percy: wait! I haven't guessed yet!
Leo: hurry up Water Boy! We don't have all day!
Percy: *lays his guess in the box*
Leo: the truths time has commen... Will Jason satesfy...
Leo: Number one... all the Jercy sippers...
Leo: Number two.... all the Jasper fangirls...
Leo: or Number three... all the-
Jason: I can't keep it a secret anymore! Brason is the Cannon ship! My true love is the Brick!
Percy: Well, I belive y'all owe me some money!

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