To the gods: favorite culor?

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Hades: black for darkness, red for blood.
Percy: like son like father
Nico: *anoyed*
Athena: gray as...
Annabeth: awww. Gray as my eyes? So you do care about me!
Athena: actually I was going to say gray as my eyes.
Hestia: orange as the fire place
Hephaestus: silver as the metal
Posidon: blue as the sea
Zeus: blue as the sky-
Zeus: wait no blue is my culor!
Posidon: Um no. The sea is defenely blue. You Can take yellow as the lightnings!
Zeus: no! I don't do as you say! I want blue!
Posidon: can't we share-
Zeus: no!
Posidon: Well I said blue first so-
Zeus: *burning all the water in the world*
Posidon: what are you doing?
Zeus: now the water is gone, and you're only the earth quake god. Choose brown instead!
Percy: dude how are we suposed to survive on a planet whitout water.
Annabeth: yeah the whole humanisation is going to die, just cause you got mad over your favorite culor.
Zeus: oh my gods like I even Care.

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