To Zia: Zarter?

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[I just finished The Kane Cronicals so now we're taking one with that theme]

Zia: what's Zarter? Is this some kind of self-promo? I knew I should've never said yes to an interview!
Sadie: *gigling*
Sadie: actually...
Carter: yes! It is some kind of self-promo! 100%! And it definitly wasn't me asking the question!
Zia: have you opened a buissness or something?
Sadie: *still gigling knowing EXACTLY what the question is about and who asked it*
Sadie: yeah, I mean we have magical powers, Why not use it for something?
Zia: oh no please don't say you're messing with the gods again, we don't need another Kane-situation.
Carter: wait. A Kane situation?
Zia: yeah we have a whole apartment named Kane-situations. Your family is kind of problematic.
Sadie: awww thank you I really feel the love!
Sadie: oh, and Zarter is you and Carters ship name, and Carter asked the question. Now bye, I have dinner with Walt! Or Anubis. I never know who.
Carter: you can't just leave on that bomb!
Sadie: funny, 'Cause that's exactly what I'm doing!
Zia: I should probrably Call Amos... we have a new Kane-situation... or does this goes under the Carter Kane is dead appartment?

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