To Percy: how much do you love your little sister?

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Percy: okay so you know how big Olympus is, right?
Annabeth: where's this going...
Percy: okay if you multiply that with how high Mount Everest is...
Annabeth: you can't multiply a building with a mountain that's simple Logic!
Piper: yes but since when have gods and demigods cared about logic
Leo: point Piper.
Annabeth: but there's logic over everything, even if you don't know it at first.
Leo: point Annabeth.
Piper: how'll you explain that time Where the Earth woke up??
Leo: point Piper.
Annabeth: Percy had nosebleed
Percy: hey you can't just blame it on me!
Leo: point Percy.
Jason: Why do you keep saying that Leo?
Leo: I don't know I just wanna see who wins this competetion.
Jason: Wich competetion?
Leo: the competion about who's the most logical
Estelle: that's weird.
Everyone: Estelle wins.

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