To Annabeth: Spiderman?

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Annabeth: tecnicly, you can't ask one Word questions, exept if you use words as Why? and when?. You can ask, what is your opinion on Spiderman?, but tecnicly, you can't just ask Spiderman?
Percy: you can't keep avoiding the que-
Annabeth: I'm not done seaweedbrain. When the one word in the question is a known Word, like, a group thing, it'll make it understandable bu-
Percy: just answer the question!
Annabeth: -t since we aren't a part of a group and I don't even know who you are it isn't, so normally it wouldn't be understandable but since...
*20 minutes later*
Annabeth: now to my answer... I like Spiderman... my favorite charecter is that villian whom TRY TO KILL SPIDERMAN! *taking out her dagger*
Annabeth: *hides the dagger behind her back while smiling "inoccently"*

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