To Jiper:

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I just reread mark of Athena and you guys are being so mean to Percy. Why?

Jason: I'm-
Annabeth: wait somebody have my notes about the mission? And they've read 'em twice? That shit is personal y'know!
Percy: wait... don't you know?
Annabeth: know what?
Piper: we- we have books. Written 'bout our adventures.
Annabeth: we have WHAT?
Percy: geez wise girl.... Thought you knew!
Annabeth: but- who wrote them? Couldn't have been Percy or....
Dionysus: I hired this guy named Rasmus Ranka
Rick: actually it's Rick Riordan.
Dionysus: Rafael Relenso?
Rick: Rick. Riordan.
Dionysus: Ramboo Rasta?
Everyone: RICK. RIORDAN.
Rick: it's not that hard!!
Dionysus: WILLY WONKA?

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