To everyone: who do you hate the most?

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Percy: Hera, Octavian, Gabe...
Nancy: what about me?
Percy: Nancy? Nancy Bobofit? Is that you?
Nancy: yes
Percy: gods of Olympus I completely forgot about you!
Nancy: forgot me? How could you forget me? I've been on TV for 2 months straight!
Percy: Why?
Nancy: *proud* because I won a science competetion with an invention that the predident himself called 'Amarica's future'
Percy: oh... cool
Nancy: cool? And what have you been doing the last 6 years? Getting kicked out of more schools? Blowing up more buildings?
Percy: what I've been doing? Well... it's complicated
Nancy: the president himself called me a mastermind - I think I can understand it.
Percy: so first of all there was this pen but it wasn't actually a pen, and me and this lighthaired girl goed to MCdonals with this god, and then there was this donut store and my one eyed brother rote on Rainbow, and this tree became a girl, but she hated me and then were in this labyrant and a girl became the Oracle, everyone I know was asleep, I gave a knife to this dude, then I lost my memory's, became the Leader in this other place, and there was this ship and we fighted stuff and I survived hell, goed to collage in new Rome and... Well now I'm having an interview.
Nancy: you're just as much of a freak as you was 6 years ago, right?
Percy: pretty much.

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